P5h Blog 6.9.19

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our first blog of Primary 5. Here is a little snapshot of our learning so far…

In Numeracy, we have been working hard to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We have then been using these rounded numbers to solve tricky sums mentally.

I feel really confident rounding numbers now – Murray

I enjoyed rounding in Numeracy as it made adding sums much easier – Travis


We have also been practising telling the time on an analogue clock. Some of us found this tricky at first, but we have been working hard to improve.

I feel really confident telling the time now – Ryan

I’ve enjoyed learning how to tell the time a bit better – Lucy C

I’ve enjoyed spending time with Miss Hesp. I’m getting much better at telling the time – Ailis


This week we were lucky enough to watch a live performance of ‘The Railway Children’ in the hall. Here are some of our thoughts:

I liked the pantomime of The Railway Children as I’d never seen that show before and it was very creative – Lucy C

I liked The Railway Children because it was funny. Some of the actors played more than one part – Aiden

I liked The Railway Children as I’d never seen it before either and it was really good – Ryan

I really enjoyed The Railway Children as it was a very good story – Brandon

Parts of The Railway Children were quite dark but everything worked out OK in the end. I enjoyed the performance – Murray


Our first topic in P5 is The Americas. So far on our journey we have explored the landscapes and wildlife of Canada and the USA, as well as some famous landmarks. We have also begun to look at Maya culture from Central America.

I enjoyed learning about Canada in our Americas topic. My favourite Canadian animal is a bear – Olivia

I have enjoyed Art in P5. My favourite was making Inukshuk pictures in the style of Ted Harrison – Darcie

I enjoyed making Maya masks yesterday. I got to be really creative with it – Alice

Some final comments:

I got my new Pupil Council today. I went up on stage and got it in front of the whole school – Angus

I have liked everything we’ve done in P5! – Daniel

We hope you have enjoyed reading about the fantastic learning that has been going on in our classroom!