Bonjour ! Blog week 3.6.19


We have been working on developing team work this week and have been trying this out by going into the different p1 classrooms and mixing with different children during literacy and numeracy times.  In numeracy we were learning the greater and less than sign.

Some of us enjoyed playing this game (will only play with flash)

We have also been practising french greetings and  counting in french up to 20.

In topic , Maisie was interested to see if Walrus had eggs or live young like humans. This also led us on to looking at the lifecycle of a turtle. Some have enjoyed playing a turtle game on the smart board. Cooper made a little turtle shell hat.

We have been planning some more experiences for under the sea themed food which we will be doing next week when we are back to our home classes after getting to know our new P2 class.