P6a Blog 7.6.19

Hello everyone!

Here is a little snapshot of what we have been learning recently in P6a.


Ferida – Our new topic is World War 2, and we have been looking at the D-Day Landings which began 75 years ago yesterday. We have also been learning about the Holocaust and what life was like in a concentration camp.

Skye – Learning about concentration camps and gas chambers makes me feel sad. It was terrible.

Coen – Mrs Hastings showed us some pictures she took at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. It looks awful.

Liam – It’s so sad what happened there.


Charlie – Last week we competed in a cross country race. The Windyknowe boys’ team came first out of 6 schools!

Liam – In PE with Mrs Howard we have been playing rounders. It’s really fun!

Charlie – Miss Hesp has been teaching us skills for basketball. We have learned how to dribble, shoot and do a lay-up.


Ferida – We found out our new teacher today. I am excited to start P7!

Lewis – For the last few weeks we have been seeing our buddies in the nursery. Next week we will be helping them get started in Primary 1. I’m looking forward to spending more time with them when I’m in P7.

Coen – We wrote a letter to our new teacher to tell her a bit about ourselves.