P1c Blog Post

P1C Reflections and news for the blog.

We had an excellent time doing our assembly. Some of the childrens comments:

Maisie-  ‘All the parents loved the assembly. I got a drink and two biscuits at the end.’

Rohan- I was an Octopus.

Ethan and Jamie- I was a crab

Reflections on learning from our Under the Sea, Pirates and Mermaids topic.

Summer- We made popcorn so we could wrap up or protect shell pictures

Ben – I was angry because people were putting litter in the sea.

Cara- Dolphin sleept with one eye open.

o continue learning Ramsay wants to put animals in the water.

Adam-wants to find out more about Orcas.

Summer is interested in starfish and sea otters.

Iyla would like to learn more about a blow up fish.

Shay would like to find out about clown fish.

Ramsay- we could find out how a submarine doesnt get water into it

Rohan- maybe we could be a trap for the rubbish

Reflection on literacy –

Sophie- We have been learning words beginning with cr.  Crumb

Ramsay – Crow,

Eve- Crack, –


We have also been continuing to learn to use and count money. We have a pirate shop.