P6a Blog 16.5.19

Hello everyone,

Here is a little snapshot of what we have been getting up to in P6a recently.


Stunt Show

“2 bike stunt men came into the school, because we won the bike competition.  They did lots of tricks and stunt such as jumping on different sized steps, ladders, wheelies, jumped on their van and used Mr Muller as a prop for a trick-which we thought was funny! We all enjoyed the stunt show”-Jessica

“They were jumping off their van”-Ferida

“The stunt show was very fun and very scary”-Coen



“For the past few weeks we have been working on our basketball skills. We have enjoyed playing different games with Mr Barr and Miss Taylor”-Coen

“Some skills we have been learning are dribbling and shooting”-Liam

“We have also been playing games and working on our passing skills as well”-Jessica

“It was fun”-Jack



“It was the best”-Zack

“Thank you for the ice lollies you brought in on the last session”-Coen

“We did a quiz at the end of this session which was focused on all of the things they have taught us over the last 6 weeks such as health safety, prioritisation, management , schedules and interview skills”- Ferida, Coen and Robyn

“I liked the different games we played such as the floor is lava and I cant wait till next year to do the litter picking event. I also enjoyed them coming in every week especially Fiona, Raymond, Jenn, Katie and Lewis”-Lewis


“Heartstone is a very entertaining book teaching us all sorts of life lessons as it speaks about issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, sectarianism, xenophobia”-Coen