P4Q Blog It!

This fortnight in P4Q we have been exploring fractions by finding equivalents, converting them to percentages and discovering how to find a fraction of a quantity. In maths we are continuing our investigation into data handling and have been focused on reading data and showing the range, median and mode numbers.

For literacy we have been learning about prepositions, standard English and speech marks. The boys and girls impressed me on Wednesday by writing a detailed argument between two characters, using  inverted commas to show speech. In comprehension and reading we have been taking more time to read between the lines and investigate the language and punctuation choices of the author.

In PE we have been very lucky to have Mr Barr, a PE student from Edinburgh University, in to show us new skills in athletics. We have been exploring how to prevent disease in a variety of way during our topic time and have been looking at traits that are inherited. We have been working hard on our kite design for the gala float, which is Mary Poppins themed this year. Keep an eye out for our creation at Bathgate gala day. Finally, P4 have set themselves the challenge of running a full marathon around our school pitch in just seven weeks! We have measured out the distance at 206 laps and we will keep you updated on our progress.

Quotes from P4Q:

“We have been finding out about our scientists” – Charlotte

“We have been running a marathon and I hope the parents are having a good day” – Jaysen

“We have been doing athletics and gymnastics” – Kayla W

“We have been doing throwing and catching  and running with Mr Barr” – Zak

“We had an art lesson where we learned how to create different types of cartoon drawings, we looked at imitating famous cartoons and I think the class did a good job!” – Rose