Blog It Post

Hello everyone!

In P7e we have been very busy…

P7 have started planning for the leavers assembly on the last Friday of term. We are sworn to secrecy do not ask us about it!!

We have had P.E specialists in to teach us once a week and we have been looking at targets in different sports.

In topic we have been travelling around the world. So far we have traveled through Scotland, France and now into Italy. This week we took out our tables and chairs because it was so nice outside and we researched Italy to create booklets. However we did use our maths skills as a few people had to measure whether the chairs and tables could make it through the door!

We have just watched a bike stunt show. We thought there might be injuries but there was not! So the stunt men did lots of tricks such as wheelies, cycled up ladders and jump on cars. We even sacrificed a teacher during a stunt.

You will hear from us soon!
