P4 Zoo Trip

After all the boys and girls hard work over the last few months, their trip to the zoo has arrived!!

On Thursday we plan to leave school at 9am sharp so if you are running late or off sick please call the school office on 01506 652083 to let them know as soon as you can.

We have a fantastic session set up to discover the variety of life in the zoo then the children will get a chance to explore in small groups.

There will be a small trip to the gift shop where there is a £10 spending limit.

The weather forecast for Thursday is currently for rain so please ensure that the children are dressed warm and have a raincoat. The children will also need to bring a packed lunch unless they are entitled to a free school lunch, these will still be provided.

Please note that there will not be water fountains so the children must have enough water to last them for the entire day.

If your child is currently on any medication please make sure that the school office has been notified and any necessary paperwork has been filled in.

We are aiming to be back at school for 3pm, Edinburgh traffic permitting.

Many thanks,


Miss Quinn and Ms Brody