We have been busy in all areas of the curriculum! Here are some of the things we have been learning about:
We have been learning about dividing by large numbers in Numeracy. Aaron
We did division in a kind of chimney sum. It was easier than the others ways we do it. Usman
We have been learning about calculating time intervals. It is very easy for me. Oran
In Literacy we have been practising our handwriting and we have also been learning about capital letters and full stops with Mrs Welsh. Scarlett
We have been learning about reading non-fiction texts and answering questions. Elliot
In PE we have been learning yoga. Liam
On Wednesday we were creating line drawings for our Profile jotters. Lucy
Between Wednesday and Thursday we were working on making our own boxes and next week we will make chocolate to go in them. Hailey
On Thursday in Health in the Hall we were talking about keeping our school clean. We were working in small groups and we were making posters to spread the word. Lana