BLOG IT! 21.3.19

Hello everyone, P3M wanted to give you an update on what we have been learning!

Ana wants to tell you about settings we have been writing about.  Baili remembers writing about the setting of the forest for Hansel and Gretel and Carmen wrote about an under the sea setting!

Lauren would like to tell you about the show.  Everyone was practising their lines and songs and did really well.  William was proud that everyone did so well with their lines.

Jessica D has been working in her profile jotter this week and has recorded a personal achievement.  Eden would like to share that her personal achievement was that she taught her cat to give her a high 5! Jessica wrote that her personal achievement was teaching her dog to jump up and spin.  In her profile jotter, Lucy was reflecting on the show and wrote a bit about it.

Erika would like to tell you about our Jigsaw lessons.  We have started working on our, ‘Healthy Me’ piece of the jigsaw and she has been learning about how to keep herself healthy.

Jak would like to tell you about our school trip to New Lanark.  Jak enjoyed learning about how cotton thread was made in the past.  Evan enjoyed the Annie McLeod ride and being in the Victorian School.

Sophie would like to tell you about learning the season words in French.  Ruaridh knows printemps is Spring, ete is Summer, automne is Autumn and hiver is Winter.

Ethan has been learning onomatopoeia.  Maxim knows that this is when you write it down and it sounds like the sound it makes when it happens, eg. CRASH!

Gracie enjoyed using small pencil strokes in sketching.  Callum S knows that you use small pencil strokes to build up a picture.  We listened to a rainforest soundtrack and had to interpret it to sketch what we heard.

In writing, Allegra would like to share that we have moved on to developing our understanding of creating a character.  Today we created a character profile of Ursula the sea witch.

Jake has been working on multiplying TU by 2,3 and 4 using the written method.  Callum R has been working on his 4 x table facts.

Alana has enjoyed using similes.  An example of a simile is, “as slow as a snail”.

Thank you for sharing our learning with us and we look forward to showing off our jotters at the upcoming parent’s consultation evening.

Miss MacKenzie and P3M