P7 Camp Blog 07.03.19

P7 Camp Day 4

Today is our last full day of activities! We were tired and excited. One activity today was the king swing, some of us went right to the top of the swing. When you get to the top some people freaked out because you were really high up. Once you got to your desired height you had to pull on a rope to release the swing. Some people were nervous but when they got on they were fine. It wen’t up really high! One group did mini survival we made a  factory conveyor belt to make a den or pictures. They imagined a dragon from the woods and sticks. We had to work in groups or independently to create something of our choice, some people made turtles. Other groups had the night line and they all had fun and a lot of people screaming. Everyones feet were muddy which they thought were something made by a giant. They also bumped into lots of trees and felt as if they were being touched by snakes, spiders and gremlins. There was an obstacle course which they had to complete with blindfolds on and off.   Archery was another task which they played some games such as the pizza game. This involved different colours of the target making up parts of a pizza. Another game in archery was to play for your cutlery at dinner. While all the groups were at their activities, another group were on the trail bikes. You get verrrrrrry muddy. There was high hills and low hills and there was a challenge to go as fast as we could to get to the king swing. You had to go on narrow trails with lots of mud and bumps. Half way during our trail we stopped and tried to see who could through a stone across the river. There was a competition to see who could get the muddiest. Some people managed to reach the top of Jacob’s ladder themselves today! Low ropes involved a course where you had to collect pegs to allow you to create a route across a wall. It was easy to begin with until our instructor started to give us challenges. All the groups took part in an activity called search and rescue. We watched a clip about voluntary workers who are called to mountain emergencies. We got the chance to practice first aid on our friends which was enjoyable but quite hard because the sling kept falling out of place. We learned about hypothermia and different temperatures. Then we completed orienteering tasks where you had to find different pictures. We were given maps in our groups to orientate our way to find the clues for the missing person. When people were searching for the lost people no one got found!

For breakfast we had a choice of cereal and toast. Today for lunch we had leak and potato soup and baguettes with a filling. For our last dinner we had a choice of chili or pulled pork with rice. We had apple crumble for dessert. For the last supper we had flapjacks (cooked by Miss Hendrie the mystery murder cook) and delicious hot chocolate.

After dinner and reflection time we took part in a murder mystery. The Lord of the manor was murdered in which we had 7 suspects which all children had to interview. Mrs Settle and Mrs Henderson came up to visit us and to take part in our murder mystery. Miss Edwards was the maid, Miss Hendrie was the cook, Miss Prentice was the spoiled daughter, Mrs Settle was the Lady of the manor (the killer), an instructor was the son, Mrs Henderson was the butler and another instructor was the gardener, the last instructor was the sheriff and the poor Grandpa was in bed. In our threes we were acting as detectives. At the end we had a vote to who we thought was guilty! We nearly arrested the wrong person (Miss Edwards the maid) before the Lady (Mrs Settle) slipped up and gave a confession. It was really fun and people were crying with laughter. All the actors and actresses were top class and deserve an Oscar!

We are now finishing our blog and are going to get ready for bed then watch our movie. We have had an awesome week. We are sad to leave but looking forward to going home as well. See you all tomorrow.

One thought on “P7 Camp Blog 07.03.19

  1. Wow I am tired just reading about all the activities! Sounds like you have all had the best week. Can’t wait to see Elliot and I can only imagine his very dirty washing tomorrow! Thank you for giving him this amazing experience, Lynsey

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