P7 Camp Blog 05.03.19

P7 Camp Blog Post Day 2

At Lendrick Muir we have had a really fun day today. For breakfast we had different types of cereal and toast. All groups started with different activities such as orienteering, Jacob’s ladder, mini survival, trail bikes and king swing. We had 4 activities until dinner split into our separate colour groups and done different activities up until lunch. In mini survival we were doing some building such as houses for wildlife and the camouflage game. We made houses out of moss to make it water resistant and we used rocks to make it windproof.

In another activity, some of us got harnessed in and were put in groups to climb Jacob’s ladder. Another group went on a Gorge walk and we saw waterfalls. At the end of the gorge walk if you had wellies on we got to on in at the shallow end. Some of the groups went trail biking and lots of us got really mucky. Another group went on the King Swing and got some butterflies in their tummy from going so high. The people not on the swing had to help pull them (which believe me was hard work). Other groups went orienteering. We worked on our map skills. During the activities we got a break and we sat down for some fruit and a drink. Nightline involved being blind folded and following a rope.

For lunch we had lentil soup and homemade pizza with salad. Lots of people loved it! For dinner we had an option of meatballs and pasta or chicken and bacon pasta. Best of all was the chocolate cake dessert! P.S We also had a slice of birthday cake for supper.

After dinner, we took part in a record breakers task with the intructors. We had to do different tasks which we were then trying to beat the world record holder. For one of the records we were aiming to beat 162 skips in 30 seconds. Miss Edwards timed and the highest record was Jamie in P7h, followed by Daryl in P7e. For free time we got to go to different activities such as football, games with Mr Kerr as he came to visit today and the adventure playground.  We are now going to watch our DVD for the night, the Incredibles 2.

We are looking forward to the king swing, Jacob’s ladder, archery and bowling at night tomorrow! It’s been a long but exciting day with lots of fun and tired children.

3 thoughts on “P7 Camp Blog 05.03.19

  1. I’m tired just reading about your day!! Sounds like your having a ball. House quiet without you. Miss you & hope your eating!! Xx

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