P3M Blog Update


Here’s what P3M have done this week.

Sophie- We went on our class trip!

Jake- We went to New Lanark.

Carmen- We watched a film about a girl called Harmony.

Callum S- The film was about a person from the future who came back to the past to tell us what life was like in old fashioned New Lanark.

Lucy- We went on a ride and it was about a girl called Annie McLeod when she was living here.

Aiden- She asked us if we believed in ghosts.

William- We got to go in and see the old fashioned classrooms and we got to see their uniforms. We got an old fashioned lesson and it was the ‘funnest’ thing in the world!

Eden- They made cotton at New Lanark.

We’ve done lots of stuff in numeracy, including multiplication.

Jaksen- I enjoyed doing the column multiplication because it’s challenging and I like doing challenging things.

Gracie- I enjoyed doing times tables and division.

We have also been doing lots of practising for the school show.

Lauren- I have enjoyed doing lots of practising for my line and singing.

Our school show is not far away! We are very much looking forward to it on the 13th March. Before this we are planning on doing a practice with our costumes on Monday 4th March. Please can you bring in your outfit in a plastic bag with your name on tomorrow. Slips of paper were handed out with the details earlier this week but in case anyone needs a reminder:

Witch dancers- an all-black outfit.

Narrators, choir and other dancers- colourful outfits so that you look like a sweetie!

Thank you from Primary 3M!