P4b Show rehearsals.

We have been working very hard in P4 with our show rehearsals.  We are learning lots of songs and some people are learning their lines very well.  We are now putting actions to our songs and I`m sure everyone at home are beginning to learn them too.

Ailis says: “I`m feeling a little scared as the show is getting quite close now.”

Brandon is excited, Danielle is nervous but looking forward to performing.

Sophie says: “I`m excited and nervous all at the same time!”

Lucy is worried in case she makes a mistake.

Aiden is happy that friends and family will be coming to see him perform.

The children are going to be dressed up as forest/woodland animals.  Therefore, we would ask if they could bring in a t-shirt which is: black, white, red, beige or brown.  Also, if anyone has a onesie or bought woodland animal outfit, they could bring in too.

Please have all the costumes in school for next Monday (4th March).  We will supply the masks and rest of costumes for the children.