P3HW Blog update


Here is what P3HW have been up to recently!

In numeracy, we have been working very hard on our times tables. We have been using lots of resources like cubes to help us understand our times tables and we have been working hard to remember them. In Maths, we have been learning all about 3D shapes and linking this to what we know about 2D shapes, drawing around the faces of a 3D shape to see what 2D shape we get.

In Writing we have been focusing on the story of Hansel and Gretel. We have been making Missing person posters and Wanted posters, focusing on using lots of describing words to make our posters very clear! Our layout is also important and we have been working on keeping it neat.

In P.E. we are continuing with our Gymnastics, focusing on putting together a short sequence with all the balances and jumps we have learned so far. We are making sure we take our time and keep ourselves safe whilst keeping a smooth transition between each shape.

We have now finished our Scotland topic and evaluated our learning of that. It was great to see what new things we had learned, especially things we remembered from our assembly.

Thanks for reading! From Mrs Henderson and Mrs Wells.