P1c Blog Post 4/2/19

Numeracy:  We are all becoming much more confident counting backwards from 20 and 30 to help us with subtraction. We can subtract using counters, doing a drawing, using a numberline and counting backwards, keeping track on our fingers- this is the trickiest.

In literacy we have been working hard to develop lots of skills in writing. Some of us have written desciptions about an elephant- giving us practise of ph sound and some wrote about a truck, thinking about what it might see on its journey.

In gym we have been doing Bunny Hops. -Shay

We have been traveling in different ways using our hands and feet on the floor. Adam

During our topic time we have investigated boats after looking at a picture of a yacht in a book from the library. We had a partner task to create a boat that included a mast and a sail and we wanted to see if it moved faster on ice than on water. We looked into Canal boats too following on from some questions brought up when the a reading group had the book ‘Fun on the Canal’.

We are looking into flight too. Do you like our hot air baloons?  If anyone can share something about transport or would know anyone who would like to talk to us at school- please let us know!

Cooper- I made a jet with flappy things with the junk modeling.

Sophie- We have looked at lots of transport books.