P1a 28.1.19

Over the last two weeks we have been busy practising our subtraction strategies. We have learnt how to use objects, pictures, our fingers and a numberline for numbers less than 10. When we take away from bigger numbers we have been learning to touch our heads as we say the starting number and count back using our fingers. This needs us to be very good at saying numbers backwards from 20 so we are still practising this too. We have also noticed that when subtracting ten from a teens number the units number stays the same.

In literacy we have been using whiteboards to write words on the lines with the correct letter formation. We have all got so much better at this in just two weeks! Our new sounds have been ng, wh and ph. In story writing we are trying hard to sound out words by ourselves and to remember finger spaces between the words.

During our topic time we have been learning about maps by looking at real maps, building towns and creating our own maps of the towns, programming Beebot and Pixie to move about on maps and drawing our own map of a train journey. We have also been learning about different kinds of trains and investigating what freight trains carry. Lots of us made model trains and stations from junk materials or Lego.

Luke – Freight trains don’t carry people. They carry heavy things like coal.

Frankie – Bullet trains go so fast.

Cody – Phil starts with ‘ph’

Andrew –Some trains carry people and other trains carry different stuff.

Eryn – Maps show you where to go. They can show you different countries and places.

Olivia – Trains have maps for underground to show you where to go.

Konstancja – I have a map in my car. It can get us back home if we get lost.

Ethan – You can press buttons like backwards and forwards and sideways on Beebot and Pixie to make them move on maps.

Makinley – Cars are made out of metal.

Rebecca – I learnt how to draw a map.

Euan – You can get normal rail tracks or electric rail tracks.

Hope – When you use Beebot you need to press clear first.

Nola – Whip has a ‘wh’.

Kyle – Photo has a ‘ph’ sound

Lucie – On the map some of the lines are motorways and if there is a little aeroplane it means an airport.
