P4Q’s Amazing Week

Dear Parents,

This week we have…

“Made our Christmas banner, we made P4Q on the shelf, which was Josh’s idea and we all voted for it.” – Rocio

Our Christmas craft we were making snowmen biscuits. Before we made them we wrote instructions to keep us right. Everybody wanted to eat them” – Fraser

“We learned the dashing white sergeant in PE and practiced the Virginia Reel. My favourite is the Virginia Reel.” – Eilidh

“We have been learning bigger numbers in numeracy, using them in multiplication.” – Olivia

“I enjoyed when we were making our elf on the shelf banner, which Josh came up with. I really liked how I designed it.” – Luka

We are still looking for; boxes, pegs, sponges, wood, plastic (bottles,boxes,cartons), small balls, toothpicks, egg cartons, elastic and polystyrene. 

From P4Q 🙂