All posts by Mrs Lytle

P2 and P2/1 Show Magic Grandad Their Toys.

There was lots of excitement this week when we brought our toys to school. Magic Grandad couldn’t believe all the different kinds of toys we have! We showed him how we can sort them in different ways. Why not tell a grown up at home how the toys were sorted? What happened to the toys that didn’t go in the hoops?

Mr Muldoon took us for P.E. and we learned lots of different ways to hold our body in gymnastics. Which was your favourite?

Have you been practising your Scottish poem at home? We will soon be reciting them in class!


P2 and P2/1 Get a Big Surprise This Week!

Magic Grandad arrived in our classrooms to great excitement this week. He is very confused about all our toys because they are different from the toys that he had. We wonder what kind of toys Magic Grandad played with?


We had P.E. with Mr Muldoon this week. We are really looking forward to learning more about gymnastics in the coming weeks.


In writing this week we thought about our targets for this year. We wonder how we will achieve these? Do you have any targets you could work on for outside school? Why not post them on our blog?


Bonne Année and Welcome back from P3/2, P2 and P2/1.

We are all glad to be back to see our friends and ready for a new term.

We enjoyed sharing our holiday news and listening to others.

We are looking forward to setting our targets for the New Year next week. What do you think would be a good target to help you with your learning?

We are really excited about PE this term. Mr Muldoon will be taking each of our classes on a Thursday. P2/1 and P2 will also have gym on a Monday. Are P2 remembering to come dressed in their PE kit on Monday morning? We will be in the hall at 9 o’clock! P3/2 will have gym on a Tuesday.

Library days, this term, will be Tuesday for P3/2 and P2. P2/1 will be going on Fridays.

Homework will begin again next week. Spelling and handwriting will be sent home on a Monday. Please make sure it is completed and returned by Friday. Reading homework will be Monday and Tuesday for P3/2. P2 will have it on Tuesday and Wednesday. P2/1 will be Tuesday and Thursday.

Remember to look back at your maths homework sheet for ideas to practise adding and taking away sums and counting to 100. Mr Minute asked if you have been reading o’clock, quarter past and half past times on your clocks at home? Do you have analogue or digital clocks?


Mr Minute helps Primary 3/2, Primary 2/1 and Primary 2 learn all about Time

This week Mr Minute needed our help again in his factory. To fix his clocks we had to learn how to tell the time. We have played lots of fun time games, made paper plate clocks and showed our teacher how good we are at time by using mini clocks.

Can you show your family all the different times you know?


We are really excited about a family member coming into school next Tuesday (P.3/2 and P.2) or Thursday (P.2/1) to help us make a 3D creative clock. Everyone has designed their clock at home so please remember to bring in everything you need to make the clock next week.

Image result for 3D clock

Primary 3/2, 2 and 2/1 are learning about Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Mr Minute is looking for workers in his factory so we found out what jobs would be needed to run a factory. After that we decided which job we would like to do and filled out a job application. Fingers crossed!

We helped Mr Minute design his factory floor plan so he will know where everything will go. In Writing we all wrote a letter to Mr Minute telling him that we would love to help him with his factory.


Surprise, Surprise for Primary 3/2, 2, and 2/1

Mr Minute's Letter

Primary 3/2, 2 and 2/1 were all surprised to come back after lunch one day to find a special letter from Mr Minute. He needs us to help him open a clock factory. We had a think about what we would need to learn to help him. Over the next few weeks we will learn all about job roles, time and shape.


In Maths Primary 2 and 3 are learning all about fractions. We have had great fun folding and cutting shapes. I wonder how many fractions we can spot when we are out and about.


Great fun was had by all at our Children in Need assembly. We enjoyed dressing up in our pyjamas, taking part in competitions and dancing at the dance-a-thon.

Congratulations to all the budding dancers.


Hamish, Hoggles and Boggles

We all really enjoyed making our Tattie Bogles which were great fun and they have brightened up our classrooms and corridors.

We will soon be saying goodbye to Hamish and his friends. I wonder who we’ll meet next?

Our timetables are changing on Monday. Primary 3/2 has gym on Monday and Wednesday. P2 will have gym on Monday and Thursday. P2/1 have it on Monday and Tuesday. Please remember to bring your kit on a Monday for the week.

Now that the weather is changing please also remember to bring outdoor footwear suitable for all weathers and a warm waterproof coat.

In French we will be learning a new phrase every week. Next week we will be answering the register en Français!

Hamish Has Arrived!

Last week Hamish McHaggis arrived in Primary 2/1, Primary 2 and Primary 3/2. He brought along some lovely story books about his adventures around Scotland. Hamish wanted to know where we had been in Scotland and would like us to learn more about Scotland. We have been painting Hamish and his friends and this week we are learning about Edinburgh.

Hamish arrives! 001

Primary 2 are back!

We feel very grown up now that we are in Primary 2. We have settled in well and are busy learning all of our classroom routines. Our classrooms are beginning to look lovely with all of our displays. We enjoyed making our friendship gardens and thinking about what makes a good friend.

If we want to play in the field we need to bring in suitable coats and a change of shoes. It would be good if these were in a named bag so that we can hang them up on our pegs in our cloakroom.

Well done to the boys and girls who took part in our whole school assembly about our Golden Rules.