All posts by wlemma.howard@glow

P6 Alderstone Blog 20 September 2019

This week in P6 Alderstone House are in charge of our blog. All students were asked the question ‘What have you enjoyed learning this week?’. Here are some of their comments;


Holly – ‘I enjoyed cross country because I did 5 laps my highest record’

Penelope – ‘I enjoyed it when the Scottish SPCA came in and we played with cards with questions on them and we operated a robot bunny’

Arran – ‘So far I have enjoyed PE (Cross Country) because its outside and I get fresh air’.

Max – ‘I have enjoyed PE because we did Cross Country and I got 9 laps’.

Paige – ‘I learnt and enjoyed the SSPCA coming in because I learnt a lot of fun and interesting facts about animals and what it is like to be a SSPCA worker’.

Jack – Cross Country in PE. I am trying to beat my score from last time. I ran 6 laps’.

Baraa – ‘I have enjoyed cross country because I improved my stamina and got 7 laps’.

Molly – ‘Going down to the nursery. I had soo much fun. I was helping them open stuff and played with them’.


Megan – ‘Cross country’.

Alannah – ‘We did cross country with Mrs Howard’.

Cole – ‘Cross country with Mrs Howard’.

Neive – ‘I liked when the SSPCA came and we got to play with the robot rabbit

Well done Alderstone House a great week!