Welcome to Primary 7a!
This week we have been working on Yammer, which is part of GLOW. We have been learning how to use it. We have been making up polls, chatting to our friends and becoming familiar with it. Next week, we’re looking forward to using it in some of our lessons.
Head boy/Head Girl
Currently there are 6 boys an 5 girls being interviewed for the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl and their Deputes. We will keep you updated with the results! It’s a very exciting time for Primary 7.
House Captains
As of next Monday 12th September, P6/7 will be voting to narrow down the candidates for our House Captains and beginning to work on our ‘Campaigns’.
Prefect duties will commence next week beginning Monday 12th September. These will include dinner hall, assembly set up and several other things.
We have also been looking after and helping our P1 buddies. We have been helping them with putting their rubbish in the bin, making sure they find their way about the school/playground, playing with them and encouraging them to make friends in the playground and helping them to be organised in the dining hall.
We will be updating our GLOW blog page every Friday, so keep checking for updates!
P7 & Miss G 🙂