We’ve had a busy week again this week!
On Wednesday, we went to the ‘Risk Factory’ in Edinburgh, where we learned how to react in emergency situations and what the dangers of fire/trains/cars/bike/internet/farms/electricity include.
We started selling poppies to the whole school in aid of ‘Remebrance Day’ 2016. We have also been working on our ‘Remembrance’ assembly next week.
Some of us attended JYHS last night for our P7 information evening. We really enjoyed it!
We all had our parent’s evenings this week too! We all did really well and had lots of things to be smiling about!
Our school photos were taken on Monday too!
Today, we had our achievement assembly – Well done to Aaron, Ruby, Gregor & Laura who received certificates!
We’re looking forward to next week, as we’ll be practicing our assembly in the big hall, Pupil Leadership groups, Reflective spaces and a Tobacco workshop!
P7a & Miss G