Primary 1 received an email from Nessie! She needs our help because she would like to find out all about Scotland but she cannot leave her loch. Over the next few weeks the boys and girls in Primary 1 will be helping her to learn about Scotland. We will use this information to help us design and make a coat hook, hoopla game or desk tidy in technology. We will develop lots of skills such as drilling, sawing, cutting and painting.We can’t wait to show you what we’ve made!
As part of this topic we will also be doing outdoor learning. Each week different groups will be using our outdoor area to be creative and learn more about Scotland. This includes the Scottish weather as we will be going out in all weathers!
Last week we enjoyed discovering Scottish and Fairtrade food in our food technology lesson. We learned different skills such as spreading and cutting. Our favourite part was eating what we made!