Category: Uncategorized
Our Learning Overview
We have attached the learning overview for the week beginning 14.9.15. This gives you some insight in to what is happening this week in the nursery and allows you to discuss these activities with your child. Remember all the ideas are recorded in our floorbooks and come from the children themselves.outline of children’s learning ideas 14.9.15
Your Favourite Dolls House
Soon we are going to buy a new dolls house for the nursery and we would like to give the children some choice in this. We are asking every child to vote for their favourite one. They will need to look at pictures 1, 2 and 3 and decide which one they like the best. We will provide a form for an adult to record their choice. Thank you again for making this purchase possible by paying £1.50 for our snack fund. There is a preview of the dolls houses attached for you to look at. Sorry, the quality of pictures is poor. dolls house 1 dolls house 2 dolls house 3
Our Learning Ideas
During the week we take time to sit with various small groups of children and listen to their ideas. We write these down for them on a floor book, sometimes they illustrate their thoughts on the floor book too. We take these ideas forward in our planning. We have attached a wee overview of our plans for this week and we hope it gives you a flavour of some of the contexts of the learning taking place. It should give you some insight when discussing your child’s activities in nursery with them. An overview like this will be available most weeks on the blog and displayed in our nursery. outline of children’s learning ideas 7.9.15
Weekly Walk
We are planning to start our weekly walks in the community again. Our first walk will be on Wednesday 9th of September. Remember we need volunteers for the walk to take place so please come along if you can. The morning walk sets off about 9.00 and the afternoon walk at around 12.25. If you drop off your child and stay to help with shoes and coats that would be great. We are planning an exciting number walk this week so we will be on the look out any numbers in the environment.
Increase of Snack Payment
Unfortunately the payment of £1 for snack can no longer be sustained and it will be increased to £1.50 a week from 24/8/15. A proportion of this payment goes towards renewing equipment and buying new resources for the nursery and so plays a very important part in maintaining our standards. Thank you for your continued support.
Holidays are almost over……….
Just a wee reminder that all our nursery pupils are due back on Wednesday 19th of August and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again. I’ve attached a copy of all the holiday dates again for the session 2015-2016.Term_Time_2015-2016
Tidy Up
Thanks to our nursery team for transforming our garden hut and some cupboards too. Lots cleared out…………