Big Bedtime Read Initiative

There are not enough book bags being returned each Tuesday (our Big Bedtime Read day) so we have to change our approach. From now on we will only give a book bag out if the previous one has been returned. It needs to be returned on a Tuesday at the start of a session so it can be checked and re-issued to another child. We are also requesting that if you can’t return the bag on a Tuesday you continue to use the books for another week then return it the next Tuesday. This keeps the organisation simple to manage. So it is a bag for a bag approach and only on a Tuesday. Thank you for your help with this.

Summer Trip

As you know we always plan a summer nursery outing. The school order buses and we all pay towards the trip. Every child is accompanied by at least one adult and sometimes young siblings come too. It is great fun!

Usually we research various venues and then the final choice is up to you. We are always a large group though and need to book early. This year, we have chosen the venue as time has run away with us. We have taken on board the feedback from last year’s trip about traveling time and chosen a destination close by.

It is The Five Sisters Zoo near West Calder. The feedback from people who have visited is all very positive so we are hoping for a lovely day trip. The date chosen is Wednesday the 13th of June. Put it in the diary!

Initial costings indicate it will be around £20 for an adult and one child (including bus costs) but this may change a little as numbers come in. We will be asking you soon if you would like to go and how many people that involves to gives us more exact numbers and therefore an accurate costing.

More information e.g. exact cost and times will follow.

PEEP coming soon………



After our successful introduction to a PEEP group last term we have decided to offer more. This time we have a morning session and an afternoon session. So if your child is a nursery morning session they can come along to the afternoon PEEP time and if your child goes to the afternoon nursery session then the morning PEEP is for you.

As usual there will be lots of activities, songs and a story to enjoy with your child. See the attached poster for more information.Peep group poster 5.2.18 

Let someone in the nursery team know if you are thinking about it so we can prepare a warm welcome.


Fruit Day

We are trying a new approach at snack time. Every Monday we are providing a selection of fruit to choose from. These are whole pieces of fruit and the child is encouraged to be as independent as possible when eating it. They peel it themselves and eat the skin if appropriate. So far so good ………. We will be asking everyone’s opinion on this initiative at the end of term.


Stay and Play Dates


We have earmarked the next two Stay & Play dates for you. They are Wednesday 31st January and Tuesday 20th March. It is back to our usual practice of dropping off and staying for half an hour or so. It would be great if you could hang on until about 9.15/12.30 for an informal chat (our Parent Forum) with the nursery team so we can hear your thoughts and ideas about the nursery.

Choose a Value

We loved your comments on our ‘traffic light views’ and following on from that we are keen to share more of our learning opportunities with you.

For the last few years our values have been ‘Responsible, Capable and Unique’ but this year we would like to include our parents/carers in selecting a central, core value for the session. This value would be the one we would concentrate on and consistently reinforce. Our children would become very familiar with this value and would easily recognise it. It would be embedded in our practice and in the children’s behaviour.

It is important we choose the value which means the most to the children, the parents and the nursery team. We all have an equal voice in choosing the value for our nursery. We need to choose the one we feel is key for this session.

On Wednesday (29.11.17  – changed date) there will be an opportunity to make your choice. Please tick the value you think is the most important to you and add a value in if there is one we have missed. The children have already given their ideas and we will include their suggestions in the final decision.

It is great that you carry on contributing your thoughts and ideas to the nursery so we can continue to move forward. Thank you for your support.

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