Tag Archives: @TEAMUphallPS

Friday 12th June P3 Home Learning

GOOD MORNING! Remember it is assembly at 9.15 this morning on ‘Teams’ if you have an older sibling who is using it.


L.I. To edit and improve your Biography.

Check your writing from yesterday…do you have?

  • Capital letters at the start of sentences?
  • Capital letters for names of people and places?
  • Full Stops at the end of sentences?
  • A title?
  • A picture (perhaps drawn or on the computer)?
  • Have you written in 3rd person- using he/she or their names?
  • Have you written in paragraphs?

If not, edit and improve it!

I’d love to see a picture of what you have been doing on Twitter.


Football and learning how to tell the time!? What could be better!? Watch this video clip! https://www.youtube.com/embed/voYVXoq5PRo

(No I do not expect you to have 12 bins and play this game ! Ha ha! But maybe you could invent a modified version?!)

Now try comparing some time durations and complete the following activity:FRIDAY MATHS

Play this game https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/119/find_the_start_time#

The ‘Mild’ option is game number 1

The ‘Spicy’ option is game number 2

And ‘Hot’ is game number 3 and 4


Afternoon Activity: Choose and complete one activity from the grid.The olympics choice board

Wednesday 10th June P3 Home Learning

Good morning everyone! Today we will be carrying on with our Sports theme! Stay tuned on Twitter or the blog to see the next ‘Sports Day’ event! Remember to keep score of your points!


Complete your daily fitness diary.

L.I. To identify the key features of a WAGOLL

Yesterday you should have researched a famous athlete or sporting star or your choice. Later in the week you will be presenting this information in a Bibliography. Did you find out what a Bibliography means? It is when you write about another person’s life! Have a look at these examples (you don’t need to read all of them) CfE2-T-73-Scottish-Olympians-Information-Sheets  -this is the kind of thing I would like you to write!

Can you spot these key features?

  • A Title
  • A Picture of the Athlete
  • Formal language ( e.g. not chatty, keeps to the facts)
  • Written in paragraphs
  • Written in 3rd person (e.g. uses he/she/ they and their name, for example ‘Tim’)

Information about…

  • Where they are from
  • What sport they complete in
  • Their team mates
  • Which Olympics they have competed in
  • How many medals they have won
  • Their fastest times etc


Ordinal numbers are used a lot when we are talking about what position someone  finished in a race or when sport is commentated. Watch this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CWWNzprEQ4

Find out the 10 fastest athlete times to complete the 100m sprint and use ordinal numbers to record them https://www.alarms.org/kidrex/

L.I. To estimate time intervals.

Estimating how much time something will take you is a really important life skill. Adults are constantly estimating how much time it will take to drive somewhere, finish a task etc so we are not late and can fit everything into our day! Today I have underestimated how long it will take to write my blog and now it’s a little late! Sorry!

I would like you to predict how long it will take you to do….

  • 20 star jumps
  • 30 sit ups
  • 40 high knees
  • Say the alphabet
  • Touch your toes and reach back up the sky 10 times
  • 10 tuck jumps
  • Write your name 8 times

Now, use a stop watch to record how long it takes you to do these activities. Were your predictions accurate? If not, why? How can predicting time help you with your time keeping?


Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics: Complete one activity from the carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel

Afternoon Activities: The olympics choice board

Tuesday 9th June P3 Home Learning

Morning! We will be carrying on with our Sport’s theme today!! Keep your eyes peeled for the next ‘Sports week’ activity on the blog and Twitter! Remember to keep a track of your scores!


  1. Complete your fitness diary for today.
  2. Research interesting facts and information about a chosen athlete/ sports star- make some notes (not full sentences). Remember to use a ‘safe’ search engine https://www.alarms.org/kidrex/ We will be presenting this information in a Biography later in the week- find out what a ‘Biography’ means. Are there any examples of a Biography in your house?


We will be continuing to learn about time today as timings are very important within Athletics.

Today I would like you to focus on writing the time in numbers instead of words.


  • You write the hour first, two dots (:) and then the minutes that have gone past the hour e.g. 4:00= 4 o’clock because no minutes have passed since the clock struck 4 o’clock- a brand new hour.


  • There are 60 minutes in an hour, a quarter of 60 is 15 so quarter past is shown as 4;15 (quarter past 4), the minute hand has moved quarter of the way around the clock.


  • There are 60 minutes in an hour, a half of 60 is 30 so half past is shown as 4:30 (half past 4), the minute hand has moved half way around the clock.


  • When the minute hand moves past half way around the clock it is like we are getting REALLY EXCITED about the next hour coming so we count how many minutes until the next hour! When the minute hand only has quarter of the way left to turn until the next hour we say ‘quarter to’- in this position the minute hand hand moved 45 minutes since o’clock so we write it as 4:45 (quarter to 5) ‘we are getting super excited about it nearly been 5 o’clock’!

Telling the Time Quarter Past Half Past Quarter to Task Setter Powerpoint Editable


Play this game https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time – select the game number 2 and 3,if you want an extra challenge try game 4/5.

Spelling/ Reading/ Phonics: Complete one activity from the carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel

Afternoon activity: Choose one activity from the grid The olympics choice board

As usual, please send me pictures on Twitter 🙂 but I’m working in the hub again so I’ll be unable to answer comments on the blog. Have fun!

Monday 8th June P3 Home Learning

Good morning everyone 🙂 ! So the theme this week is SPORT and FITNESS!

We will be having a virtual ‘Sports Day’ event over the course of the week! You will complete different activities  at home and record your score. Your scores will be added up for your house team and the winner announced on Monday 15th! Keep posted for details each day on Twitter and the Blog! How exciting!


L.I: To write a fitness diary


 I can organise my work into paragraphs.

I can spell the days of the week correctly.

I can remember capital letters and full stops.

I can use interesting adjectives to describe my feelings.

I can write a fitness diary for each day of the week.

 This week we are asking you to keep track of your fitness using a diary.  You can use this template My Fitness Diary, write in your own diary or write in your jotter/on paper.  Included is an example diary to support your writing Example Fitness Diary.  There is also a helpful hints page Diary writing helpful hints and a self-assessment page Diary writing self-assessment should you wish to use them.

Remember to include the days, dates, timings, activity, who you did the activity with and where, and how it made you feel.  It is YOUR diary so use ‘I’ and ‘my’ when you are writing and don’t forget capital letters and full stops!

Spelling/ Reading/Phonics: Please complete one activity from the Carousel every day- Spelling phonicsreading carousel

Numeracy/ Maths– Time is very important within Sport. Athletes compete to get the best time to complete different events (e.g. running, hurdles etc) and this is how the winner is decided.  Let’s start by recapping the units of time and how to tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to…

Today I’d like you to just focus on telling the time using WORDS ONLY, e.g. ‘half past, quarter to….etc’

Telling the Time Quarter Past Half Past Quarter to Task Setter Powerpoint Editable

Parents/ carers this is a useful tool to help you teach/test your child https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock

Complete one of the these sheets (the first one is ‘Mild’, then ‘Spicy’ and then ‘Hot’) Telling the Time Quarter Past Quarter to and Half Past

Afternoon Activity: Choose and complete one activity from the grid The olympics choice board

Emotion Works: Emotion Works week three P123

As usual I love seeing any pictures of work/ sporty things you have done- please ask an adult to send them to me on Twitter!

*Please note I’ll be working at the school hub today and won’t be able to respond to the blog.