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Thursday 11th June- P3 Home Learning

Good morning! Today we will be continuing with our sporting theme! Stay tuned on the blog/ Twitter for our next ‘Sports Day’ challenge! Remember to keep score of your points as you will be submitting these at the at of the week! 🙂


Complete your fitness diary.

L.I. To write a Biography about your chosen athlete.

Using the notes you made on Tuesday and the key features of the WAGOLL that studied we yesterday I would like you to write up your Biography.

Remember to include…

  • A Title
  • A Picture of the Athlete
  • Formal language ( e.g. not chatty, keeps to the facts)
  • Written in paragraphs
  • Written in 3rd person (e.g. uses he/she/ they and their name, for example ‘Tim’)
  • Capital letters and full stops

Information about…

  • Where they are from
  • What sport they complete in
  • Their team mates
  • Which Olympics they have competed in
  • How many medals they have won
  • Their fastest times etc

Maths/ Numeracy

Football whilst learning about the time? What could be better!? Watch this! https://www.youtube.com/embed/6lpUm8_itxI

Complete one of the chilli challenges…

Mild MILD Diving into Mastery Activity Cards

Spicy spicy

Hot Hot


Then everyone have a go at this game! You can chose the difficulty by clicking on 1,2 or 3 star!


Spelling/Reading/Phonics: complete one activity from the carousel Spelling phonicsreading carousel

Afternoon activities: Complete one activity from the grid The olympics choice board