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Return to School Update

Dear Parent /Carer

We hope that you and your family have managed to have a good holiday and that your child is excited about coming back to school. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone soon.

Here is a brief update on what communication you can expect in the lead up to your child’s return to school from Wednesday 12th August.

You will have received a groupcall message from WLC communication sent last week which sets out which days each year group will be in school over the first couple of days. It is available here:

You may also be interested in the Scottish Government advice that is informing our reopening arrangements. You can view this here:

Please note our ELC children will return on Wednesday 12th August. The ELC team will be in contact with further guidance to support a safe return. New starts will be contacted individually.

We are currently finalising details to reflect the updated Scottish Government guidance which will ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our children, staff and families. Specific information on new school procedures which will include arrival/pick up arrangements, personal belongings, uniform and more will be communicated this week as we know this is a particularly nervous time for everyone.

Our return to school is likely to be a challenging time for many and therefore we will be doing everything possible to ensure the wellbeing of all our children and staff is our central focus. We aim to balance academic progress with children’s social and emotional needs. We need to support our children to be ready to learn and recognise that this has been an unsettling period for all. Additional funding from the authority has allowed us to employ a further two teachers, Mr McGowan and Miss Swift, I know you will join me in welcoming them back to Uphall. We are also looking to recruit support staff which will enhance our recovery planning to meet the needs of all our children. A small group setting will be created to support identified children with Additional Support Needs. In line with Government guidance, we will continue with valuable interventions such as Nurture and Support for Learning.

Finally, it is also important to highlight that the return to school next week is not a return to normality. We must remain vigilant and continue to manage the risks of COVID-19.

Remember further information will shared in due course.

Enjoy the rest of your summer holiday.
Catriona Macrae
Head Teacher


P2- Friday 26th June- Happy Last Day

Good Morning Everyone!

Wow, can you believe it is the last day in Primary 2.  I am so proud of you all for your fantastic effort and hard work this year. I would like to say a huge thank to our wonderful parents and carers for their amazing support, particularly over the last 12 weeks. As I leave Uphall Primary School, I will take lots of happy memories with me. Primary 2, you will always have a special place in my heart and I will miss you all so much!

I am sure you will love being in Primary 3. Have a lovely summer holiday, stay safe and keep smiling. You are all stars!

Love Miss Swift

P2- Thursday 25th June

Good morning P2

It’s looking like today is going to be warm and sunny.

Literacy: L.I. To write a letter for your new teacher.

Today I would like you to use your notes from Tuesday to write up your letter for your next class teacher.  Use connectives to add detail and extend your sentences.

Remember you want to impress your new teacher!

Remind yourself how to set out a letter here:

T-L-4604-How-To-Set-Out-An-Informal-Letter-Powerpoint_ver_3 (1)

You might want to use this template:


This week, we will continue to remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS.


Emotion Works week five P123

End of Term Activity Book WEEK 12

Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Swift