Author Archives: Miss Mackay

Primary 1 -planting a seed

Morning everyone. I’m so sorry this has taken so long to upload. The video was too big so I have had to split it into 4 parts. Hope you enjoy. Miss Mackay xx

P1 Home Learning Thursday 4th June

Good morning everyone. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details.


Writing a set of instructions

· We would like you to write your own set of instructions for planting seeds You should use words like first, then, next and finally at the start of your sentence for each instruction.

· For example – First put some soil in a pot.

· Miss Mackay will post some photos of her planting seeds for you to follow. Photos to come today.


· Esti-mysteries

Use your knowledge of numbers to solve the problem, use the first recording sheet to record your estimates-it might be easier to cross off the numbers as you read each clue (this very quickly helps to reduce the range of possible numbers). If you would rather not print the recording sheet the numbers could be written into the home learning jotter instead.

Perhaps you could create your own game of estimation bullseye

(all you need is a glass or cup, some small objects e.g. buttons, lego, marbles, etc and a partner)


mystery number recording sheet for P1


· See plan for more details.

P1 Home Learning 3rd June

Good morning, we hope everyone is well. How strange was it to see the rain yesterday? I have enjoyed the sunshine but I know that the plants and grass were desperate for a good drink. That could could be something you look out for in your scavenger hunt.

 Here are your activities for today.  Please also see plan for more details. 

Capitol letter formation G, J, S
Revision of diagraphs sh, th, and wh.

Please click on the link below for today’s learning 3D shapes. 

3D, 2D and 3D pattern

Topic – Changing seasons. 
Click on the link to our summer scavenger hunt. Enjoy!

summer scavenger hunt

P1 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning, here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see plan for more details. 

Your common words for today  
But, not, what, all, were    alphabet song 

Please click on the link below for the second part of 3D shapes.

3D shape part 2

Mrs Grenfell will provide  activities for you.