Author Archives: H Swift

P2- Friday 26th June- Happy Last Day

Good Morning Everyone!

Wow, can you believe it is the last day in Primary 2.  I am so proud of you all for your fantastic effort and hard work this year. I would like to say a huge thank to our wonderful parents and carers for their amazing support, particularly over the last 12 weeks. As I leave Uphall Primary School, I will take lots of happy memories with me. Primary 2, you will always have a special place in my heart and I will miss you all so much!

I am sure you will love being in Primary 3. Have a lovely summer holiday, stay safe and keep smiling. You are all stars!

Love Miss Swift

P2- Thursday 25th June

Good morning P2

It’s looking like today is going to be warm and sunny.

Literacy: L.I. To write a letter for your new teacher.

Today I would like you to use your notes from Tuesday to write up your letter for your next class teacher.  Use connectives to add detail and extend your sentences.

Remember you want to impress your new teacher!

Remind yourself how to set out a letter here:

T-L-4604-How-To-Set-Out-An-Informal-Letter-Powerpoint_ver_3 (1)

You might want to use this template:


This week, we will continue to remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS.


Emotion Works week five P123

End of Term Activity Book WEEK 12

Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Swift

P2- Wednesday 24th June

Good Morning P2

This week, we will continue to remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS.


As it is Wellness Wednesday, please have a look at Mrs Kinnear’s Emotion Works slides.  These are for the blue cog, Regulation Strategies:

Emotion Works week five P123

This weeks activities 

End of Term Activity Book WEEK 12

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Wedn

If you have time, please complete this e-form at some point during the week.  Thank you.

We are all busy in school this week again making the new classrooms as safe and welcoming for you as possible.

Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine!

Miss Swift

P2- Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning P2,

Literacy: L.I To write a letter for your new teacher

Later this week you will find out who your teacher will be for next year. As you will not be able to meet them until August we will be writing them a letter all about yourself which you can hand to them on the first day back at school.

Today I would like you to gather together notes and ideas for your letter. Here are some ideas you may want to write notes about…

-Introduce yourself- explain what type of person you are- e.g. personality

-Your friends and family

-Your likes/dislikes

-How you’ve found home learning

-What you enjoy at school

-What you find tricky/might need some help with

-Your questions/ worries about P3

-What you are looking forward to in P3


This week, we will remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS.


Terrific Tuesday:

Please reflect on your learning with this short e-form.  Thank you.  This is the link:

To complete at any time:

End of Term Activity Book WEEK 12

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Tuesday

Have a lovely day!

Miss Swift

P2- Monday 22nd June

Good Morning P2,

Hope you had a lovely weekend!

New Beginnings

Wow, can you believe it is the last week of home learning.

It was lovely to be able to see some of you last week when you picked up your report.  You are all STARS!

This week, we will remember your time spent home learning and look forward to NEW BEGINNINGS.


End of Term Activity Book WEEK 12

KS1 Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Monday

Summer code breaker MON WEEK 12

We are all busy in school this week again making your new classrooms as safe and welcoming for you as possible.

Have a lovely day!

Miss Swift