Good morning. No work today!
Happy April Fools!
Of course we have some tasks for you. Here is what we would like you to work on today. Please also see Week 2 Timetable for more details.
- Our new sound today is ‘wh’.
Where is the ‘wh’ sound made? (Note for parents it is made with the lips and is a loud red sound)
- Can you think of any words that have the ‘wh’ sound?
- Does the ‘wh’ sound come at the start, the middle or the end of these words?
- Slide some sounds together to form words:
which, when, where, wheel, whip, whisk, whisper,
- Now write these words and draw a picture to match. (extension activity, write sentences.)
- Videos to look at, (song) (alphablocks)
Investigate probability
Probability investigation using money and dice (to play this game click on the brush in the top right hand corner to change the objects in the bag).
- Listen to the story of Rosie’s Walk
After reading the story, focus the child’s attention on the illustration of the whole barnyard inside the front cover of the book.
Imagine you are a bird flying over the barnyard. Talk about what you would see below you. Use this to draw a simple map of the barnyard and then mark out the route she takes.
Primary 1 criteria-Your egg must be a nursery rhyme character, you can use paint or pens to decorate it, be as creative as you can.
Morning. Haha Jake’s not impressed 😂. His wee face when I said he had no work then I said April fools 🤣 priceless!! X
Oh no! I hope he wasn’t too cross. You can tell him when I was a little girl my dad told me we couldn’t go to visit my granny (who lived near Aberdeen) because the Forth Road Bridge was closed-I was so upset but it was only an April Fool!
Xander and I have been out for vital art supplies – I’m not the artiest of people, but we’re giving it a go. He’s wanting to work on Sumdog today and he says a word that has the WH sound is Whale. Xander is very impressed that there are two different spellings of Whales/Wales because his grumps comes from Wales and Whales swim in the ocean.
He is missing all his friends and school lunches.
Well done, Gracie though for a moment that there was no work 😂😂😂. We got her this morning by switching all the cereal for breakfast into the wrong boxes she was a tad confused 🤔🤔
Oh I can imagine her face, great idea though!
Hi, Gracie-Mae is missing school and it’s a challenge to get her to do all the school work but we are getting there. She is looking forward to her egg cooling to paint it for Friday ☺️ I have a question about sumdog… how can we change the level because it is really hard for her age? Me and my husband are struggling with some of them and we’ve both got degrees.
Please don’t worry, as long as he’s keen to try-the children know that I’m not particularly artistic either, we have a good laugh at my attempts! Wh is one of our trickier sounds too. Almost time for lunch. Have a creative afternoon.
Hello, I’m not sure but I’ll see what I can find out for you. Topmarks might be better for you to use, the children are used to that in school.
Hi, I have tried to have a look at the levels for sumdog and have hopefully left you a message on there. Would you be able to post back on the blog if you can see it? I can’t wait to see all these lovely decorated eggs on Friday. I will have to start working on mine. I wonder what Miss Mackay might do?! x
I can read songbirds. I miss you too miss McKay.
Excellent, good reading skills. I am missing every one in P1 as well. x
🥰🥰👍👍😋😋😋😋😆😆😆🤩🤩🤩😆😆Hi Mrs Mackay..daiym is sending you these emojis to tell he is enjoying missing his school and friends..but your tasks keeps us busy..thanks..x