I have attached the September newsletter for you to have read, click on September above and this will open it for you, this will also be displayed in our new parent’s communication wall in the cloakroom 🙂
Miss Little
I have attached the September newsletter for you to have read, click on September above and this will open it for you, this will also be displayed in our new parent’s communication wall in the cloakroom 🙂
Miss Little
Welcome back to our retuning children and families and a big warm welcome to our new children and families. We look forward to working with you all this year and having lots of fun in our nursery!
Please see attached May newsletter
We are looking for some ideas and advice for our outdoor nursery environment. Please see attached poster 🙂
Please see attached poster about Red Nose Day 🙂
Please see attached for information on world book day. As a nursery we have decided to do the book “The Large Family – Five Minutes Peace” so the children are welcome to wear their pyjamas on Thursday if they would like to 🙂
Our children all did amazing on our sponsored welly walk! We walked round the school field stopping to explore in the trees on our way and had fun jumping in the puddle on our way back! Thank you so much to everyone who handed in a sponsor sheet and we will have a grand total for you very soon!
Please click on the link below to access the family challenges for Child’s mental health week.
Good morning everyone and welcome to Children’s Mental Health Week 2022!
Our HWB Mini Champions have been hard at work preparing for a week of mental health ideas and resources to support learning in class and at home.
The mental health of our children is something we are passionate about supporting and we have created a family challenge for each day of this week – please get involved and together we can raise the profile of children’s mental health as we help our children come up with supportive strategies to ensure positive mental health throughout their lives.
Please see attached the SWAY link for Mindful Monday’s challenge