Category Archives: Primary 5

Lesson 5-Spelling

Our fifth lesson of the day is spelling.

L.I: We are learning to practise our weekly spelling words.

S.C. I can neatly write 3 columns of my spelling words. I can complete an activity from my spelling menu.

Please find a copy of the spelling lists below (green text).

Spelling Words Week beginning 23

Try out list 2 and if you feel confident with these words move on to list 1. If you don’t feel confident, stick with list 2. Write 3 columns of your chosen words in your spelling jotter or on paper. Choose a fun spelling task from your ‘spelling menu’ to practise your words.

Lesson 4- Grammar

Our fourth lesson of the day is grammar.

L.I. We are learning the differences between where, wear, we’re and were.

S.C. I can research the meaning of any words I am unsure of by using a dictionary/online dictionary. I can identify the missing word for each sentence. I can complete the sentences provided.

Please find a copy of the grammar task below(green text).

Commonly confused words

Use class notebook, paper or a jotter to complete this work.

Lesson 3- Reading

Our third lesson of the day is reading.

L.I: We are learning to accurately answer questions relating to a text.

S.C: I can read the text provided. I can take notes of relevant information. I can accurately answer the questions asked.

Please find a copy of the reading comprehension text and questions below(green text).

Roald Dahl Reading Comprehension Page 1 Roald Dahl Reading Comprehension Questions Page 1 Roald Dahl Reading Comprehension Page 2

Please download the Roald Dahl reading comprehension worksheets; there are 3 to download. Answer the questions in full sentence form. Write your answers in a jotter, on paper or on class notebook.

Lesson 2-Numaracy

Our second lesson of the day is numeracy.

L.I: We are learning to multiply decimal numbers up to 2 decimal places, using the traditional method.

S.C: I can use the traditional method to answer the questions.  I can layout my workings neatly.

Please find a copy of the numeracy work below(green link).

Multiplication of decimal numbers

Use class notebook/jotter/paper to record your answers.

If you are writing your work on Teams you can access class notebook by clicking on ‘class notebook’ on the bar along the top then clicking the arrow in the left hand corner. Your name should appear. Click on your name, and then click class notes. To get a blank page, click the +page at the bottom. Please title your work ‘Multiplication of Decimals’ and as the questions are numbered please number your answers.

For example 1) 3.63   2) 11.6

P5 Election

Last week Primary 5 took part in a mock election as part of their topic on the Scottish Parliament. The children were divided into groups and had to work together to create their own political party. This involved creating a name, logo, slogan and manifesto for their party. The children then presented their ideas to the rest of the class before voting for the party they wanted to win!