Tag Archives: Primary 4

Artist Study in P4

As part of our IDL topic of Europe we will look at some famous people from across Europe. This week we started with France and the famous painter Claude Monet. We learned he was born in Paris and was an artist from a young age. He is famous for his impressionist style and we started to study his techniques. We focused on watercolours and we learned 4 techniques which can be used with watercolour paint. Next week we will use those techniques to create a ‘Water Lillies’ picture just like Claude Monet.

Maths week in P4

To celebrate maths week we have been having some fun with numbers. We have enjoyed playing Sumdog and completing the challenges. We went on a litter pick and as we collected the litter we completed a tally mark sheet to record the different types of litter we found. We then added up each total to see which type of litter was the most common. It was great to see how maths can be used in practical every day situations and tasks.