Tag Archives: Primary 3 . #buildingforsuccess

P3 day 3 of Health week

To start day 3 of Health week we had a football session with Davie. He taught us that there is 4 parts of the foot you can use to kick the ball. We played lots of fun games where we had to dribble the ball and try to get the ball off of each other.

We then completed the Daily Mile. Some of us managed to do more than a mile today.

We learned that in Guatemala children make Worry Dolls. They tell these handmade dolls their worries and then put the doll under their pillow. When they wake in the morning the doll has taken away all their worries. We decided to make our own worry dolls out of wooden pegs. We used fabric, wool and pipe cleaners to make our Worry Dolls.

We are really looking forward to sports day this afternoon!

P3 Health Week Fun

What a fantastic start Primary 3 had to Health Week. Our first activity was with Destination Judo. We had fun trying to escape from our partner and using our strength to hold each other down.

After break we had an interesting talk from Nicole who plays, coaches and referees football. She talked to us about the rules of football and showed us her yellow and red cards. We enjoyed chatting to her and asking her lots of questions.

We then walked over to the Community Garden where we had a colour wheel and we walked around the garden and through the woods looking for these colours in nature. We added little pieces to our wheel to complete it. We found flowers, leaves, petals and grasses. We had the chance to smell some herbs and flowers. one smelled like toothpaste.

In the afternoon we played some table top games. Whilst playing these games we were learning to take turns, show consideration for others, understand that we can’t always be the winner and to be happy for our friends when they win. It was a relaxing, calm time in class.

We also spent some time out in the trim trail. The weather was perfect. We climbed, shuffled, balanced, ran and took turns.  We have had a great day. can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

History Detectives in P3

We have made an interesting start to our new IDL topic of Ancient Egypt. We were given an ancient artefact to study and investigate . We used our skills of observation to discuss with our talk partners what we thought our artefact was, what it is made of and how it is decorated. We then visited some websites to find out more information about our artefacts. Some of us had a pyramid, a Mummy, an Egyptian God, a sphinx and a sarcophagus.

Coding in Primary 3

This week we had the opportunity to use our problem solving and coding skills with the Bee-Bots.  We gave our Bee-Bot a sequence of instructions to navigate around the classroom. We had to be confident with left and right and work out directions for the Bee-Bot to follow.

Once we were confident with the basic coding instructions we then used maps where we could navigate the Bee-Bots around the roads.

Art and Design in P3

We have really enjoyed learning about famous artists this year. As our IDL topic is a  Scottish focus we wanted to learn about a famous  Scottish  artist.  We learned about Gillian Kyle who is a textile designer. She is greatly inspired by all things Scottish. We learned that she was born in Renfrewshire and studied at the Glasgow School of Art. She creates designs for products such as aprons, cushions and table mats. She takes her influence from lots of Scottish products such as Tunnocks Teacakes, Caramel Wafers, Irn Bru and haggis. We used Scottish products and looked at the design of their packaging and then created a piece of art in the style of Gillian Kyle.

P3 update

It has been another very productive week in P3. Nativity rehearsals are well and truly underway. We have been on the stage, learning our lines and singing the songs. We have all worked very hard.

We have also made a Christmas poster which will be displayed on the wall in the dinner hall.

Ellie – I made winter trees for the poster

Luke – I made a snowflake

Cody – I used paint to make the snowy mountains

Karlie – I made the golden ticket

Iza and Bella –  we  made glittery snowflakes