P6R have had a great week taking part in different activities relating to Maths during Scottish Numeracy Week. We have created art using deans blocks to show 3-digit numbers. We also challenge each other to solve various maths problems.
Category Archives: Primary 6
Gardening 🧑🌾 Club
This week in gardening 🧑🌾 club we were working on the new sensory garden that everyone in the school is helping to create. The first stage is digging out the soil. We had to safely use the shovels to dig out the turf and put it in the wheel barrow.
Gardening 🧑🌾 Club
Today in gardening club we got to use the secateurs. We listened to the safety rules as they are very sharp and strong. We then listened very carefully to how we prune the trees in our school garden. An excellent job completed and the trees are now under control.
We also weeded one of the large planters……weeding again 🤯 and this made us think of how quickly the weeds grow and why it is important to keep on top of them so our vegetables 🌽 and flowers can grow.
we even managed to harvest some.
First week of gardening 🧑🌾 club
First week back at gardening club. We got out in the garden to talk about what we need to do during our time at gardening club.
We managed to move a planter and fill in a big dangerous hole and harvested some cabbage 🥬. We are looking forward to getting stuck in to helping to maintain the school garden.
A great first week at gardening club.