Category Archives: Primary 4


Primary 4 had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day!  What a brilliant day!  Some photos of us in action…

HAPPY WORLD BOOK DAY – Keep reading!



On Friday, we enjoyed having our parents and carers in class to share our learning.  Following our activities on World Book Day yesterday, we decided to do some reading with our parents today.  So, we brought in our favourite books from home and enjoyed reading with our parents.  We then completed a book review detailing our thoughts on the book (or chapter) that we read.  We then designed posters for our class library and chose some book related activities.

Bonnie – I designed a character from my favourite book and my dad helped me.

Jessica – I read a chapter from my Harry Potter book and did my book review.

Hudson – I sat in the library with my mum and we read three books!  I loved it and I love reading!

Bella – I like brining my favourite book from home but I only read a chapter as it had loads of pages.  I’ve got loads of books at home and I liked reading with my mum.

Stella – I liked reading then doing my book review.  I gave my book 5 stars because it’s so good.

Jacob – After reading, I designed a character costume.

Damon – I loved reading “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” with my mum and it’s my favourite book because it’s so funny.

Jaxon – I liked when my mum came in and we read my story together.

Ellie – I did a reading word-search with my sister and found all the words.  I read a chapter of my book to Jodie.

Karlie – I brought in my favourite Harry Potter book.  It’s so special and the pictures in it are so pretty and it makes me want to read it even more.

THANK YOU very much to all the parents and carers for coming along on Friday.  Your support is always much appreciated and it’s fantastic for all of  the children to share their learning with you.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY in Primary 4!

A Complete Guide to British Currency


Money is one of the concepts we have been learning in Maths.  This week, we focused on recognising coins and notes, sorting money, counting and adding amounts and discussing the importance of money and  how it affects our lives.  We also showed amounts of money using different combinations of coins and we all practised writing amounts of money on the whiteboard.

Next week, we will use iPads and the Smartboard to play different money games and focus on adding pounds and pence to find a total.

Bonnie – Money is really important because it helps you buy things that you want.

Karlie – We all need money to buy things that we need and things that we want.

Peter – I liked writing the pound sign.

Cody – I filled the whole whiteboard by writing lots of money amounts.  You shouldn’t write ‘p’ (for pence) if you are writing an amount like £10.50, you only need the pound sign.

Jacob – I could make lots of ways to make £2.75.

Jordyn – I enjoyed sorting the coins and I did it quickly.

Rocco – You can make an amount using different coins.

Alexander – I liked adding the (total) cost of things.




Our community in P4

What a lovely day we have had in P4 and we are very lucky to have 2 mums who work very hard in our local community. Mrs McFarlane (Luke’s mum) very kindly let us visit her at her work in the Polbeth Hub where she discussed with us all the ways the hub helps and supports people in the community. We were very jealous of the messy play which was set up for the baby sensory class. We visited the shop in the hub and learned that it is slightly cheaper than other shops and that nothing goes to waste, any leftover fresh food goes to a local farm to feed the animals. We got to choose a book to keep and take home. Thank you!

In the afternoon Miss Campbell (Kiera’s mum) came in to tell us all about her job in our local Scotmid. She explained that it is a very important resource for lots of local people in Polbeth who rely on the shop for lots of essentials and as we learned lots of children in the class regularly get a treat from Scotmid. Scotmid is also an important place where people can go and meet others and have a wee chat with the people who work there. It also advertises lots of information about local groups and things that are going on in the community. We were very interested to see all the keys that are needed to open the shop and the biggest key we have ever seen was for the safe!  Miss Campbell very kindly brought us all a little sweet from her work, thank you  and thank you for answering all our questions!

Primary 4 – Science

Living things - Definition, Characteristics and Examples

This term, as part of our learning in Science, we are finding out about living and non living things.  Children are learning to explain the difference between living and non-living things, taking into consideration movement, reproduction, sensitivity, growth, excretion and feeding. 

How Can We Classify Animals? - Twinkl Homework Help - Twinkl

This week we started to learn about animal classifications.  Animals are divided into two main groups – animals that have a backbone are called vertebrates and animals that don’t have a backbone are called invertebrates.  We found out about the six animal groups: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects and amphibians and identified what the animals in each group have in common.

Karlie – Amphibians live on land and water.

Jessica – Fish have fins to move around and gills to breathe.

Damon – Humans are mammals.

Bella – Birds have got feathers, wings and a beak.  Some birds are really big and some are small.

Ellie – Reptiles have dry skin and scales and they can lay eggs too.

Cody – I liked sorting the animals.

Alexander – Frogs and toads are amphibians.


Party time in P4

P4 had a great time at the Christmas party today. We all looked very smart and festive. We played musical bumps, pass the parcel, corners game and we had a best dancer competition. We all loved the party food and especially our treat of ice cream and strawberry sauce. We were so excited when we returned to our class to find a sack of gifts from Santa. We all got to choose our own book and take home to read and enjoy. Thank you Santa!


Christmas and The Daily Mile by P4

Xmas Tree

Primary 4 made beautiful Christmas tree cards this week!

On Friday morning, the wholes school took part in the Daily Mile. We walked around the playground approximately 14 times which equals a distance of one mile.  Some of us walked, some of us jogged and some of us ran!  We even listened to Christmas music as we walked and got the chance to walk with our friends from our own class, other classes and with our siblings.


Primary 4 – Talk Money Week

Primary 4 have been learning more about money!
Talk Money Week is an annual campaign to get the nation talking about money.  This year, the week takes place from 4th – 8th November and the theme is ‘Do One Thing’.   Equipping our children to have the knowledge and skills to manage money effectively now and in the future is a valuable endeavour.
We looked at a range of notes and coins and spoke about the ways in which we can pay for items in shops and online.  Mr. Elliot kindly showed us a range of currency from around the world and we compared British money to that of different countries.  On Friday Bonnie brought in a $1 note and Jessica brought in a €10 note – thanks girls!
With a partner, we did “Let’s talk about money” conversation cards.   Examples of questions we spoke about include:
– Are you good at saving money?  If so, how do you save?
– How do you spend your money?  What do you usually buy?
– What would you do if you won the lottery?
– What was the last thing you bought?  Where did you buy it and how much did it cost?
– Would you lend money to a friend?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
– Where is the safest place you can keep your money?
– Name some ways in which people can save more money.
Some of the children’s responses:
Alexander – The last thing I bought was bread and I got it at Scotmid and it cost £1.50.
Kiera – I save money in a piggy bank and I fill it with 1ps and 2ps.  It’s a grey elephant piggy bank.
Peter – If I won the lottery I’d buy thousands of Roblox!  
Cody – With my money I usually buy bottles of water. football cards and sweets for me and my friends.
Luke – We pay for our shopping with a card.
Iza – Money can give you happiness because you can get toys and sweets and nice things.
Karlie – I would rather spend time with my family than have lots of money and spend it all, so money can’t really buy you happiness.
Jessica – Yeah, I’m good at saving money and I put most of my money in my wallet.
Jacob – I have given poor people some money.  If I was rich, I would give some of my money to poor people.
This year’s theme is “Do one thing” – here are some suggestions from P4 about what people could do to improve their financial wellbeing.
– Reuse and recycle items at home so  people are not buying things and spending money unnecessarily.
– Set a limit on what you spend.
– Turn off lights and put the heating lower to save money on energy bills.
– Visit places as a family that are free such as the park or museum.

October RE in Primary 4


The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions. October includes the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7). The best way to celebrate the month is, of course, to pray the Rosary.

We have spent some time praying the Rosary and we have enough Rosary beads to use whilst saying the prayers.