All posts by Mrs Sinclair

P6’s trip to Stirling Castle

P6 started their new topic after the holidays – learning about the Scottish wars of independence. William Wallace and Robert the Bruce are central to this important part of Scotland’s history, as is Stirling Castle. We enjoyed our trip and the lovely weather!

We started off on the esplanade where there is an imposing statue of Robert the Bruce and vies of the Wallace Monument. Next we explored the Queen Anne Garden, with its stone cannon balls, and took in the incredible view of the surrounding countryside. We could clearly see the castle was built on the crag as you would have had clear views in all directions in the event of a siege.

Next up was the Great Hall, Great Kitchens and  Palace where we got to interact with characters from the middle ages who told us all about the Castle and its royal inhabitants. We also saw the giant cannons and peeped through the holes they would have fired through.

After lunch we visited other parts of the castle including an exhibition and then went to the gift shop. It was such a fun day and we learned so much!  Well done too for being a credit to the school throughout the day!

Well done to the P6 Euro Quiz team!

On Thursday P6’s Euro Quiz team took part in the West Lothian heat, competing against dozens of other primary schools. Luke, Cooper, Corra and Skye worked together brilliantly to answer 60 questions across 4 rounds on topics including culture, flags, food, language, history and general knowledge.

They impressed with an incredible 40 points, and got some very tricky questions correct including what is a pastel de nata? (custard tart); what created the fjords? (glaciers) and what’s the smallest country in the EU? (Malta).

Brilliant effort all of you! Very well done for super team work too. Here they are with their certificates!


P6 & 7 Burns Supper

Primary 6 & 7 hosted a super Burns Supper in the dining hall today for parents and carers. After a welcome from the House Captains we kicked off with a song from P6 and poems from P7.

Next we enjoyed some live music and some pipes and drums before we addressed the haggis. After a feast of haggis, neeps and tatties followed by Irn Bru and shortbread, we heard poems from P6 and finished with the P7 song.

On display were our Robbie Burns information reports and portraits, as well as our tartan kilts.

It was a great turnout – thank you to all parents and careers who came along. Special thanks to Mrs Blair for playing the piano and to kitchen staff for making the afternoon possible by preparing such a lovely feast.

P6’s fun Christmas Week

P6 are having a fun week. Today we enjoyed wearing our pyjamas to school. We started the day off with some fun Christmas literacy and then went to the hall to see who had won the Christmas Stem Competition! Well done to Bailey, Charlotte, Lacey, Colby and Jessica who won the clay competition. Next we played our football competition, with the Yellow Girls team winning 2-0 and the boys Reds winning 2-1. Finally we had a quick carol practise and then enjoyed our Secret Santa present giving! Well done Primary 6 – a fun start to a fun week.


P6 have had a busy week

Primary 6 who have had a busy week! After our author in the hall visit, we continued our Book Week by making  Book character wooden spoons – the ideas and creativity of which were fantastic. We also continued with our Talk Money activities following our visit from the Credit Union and found out all about how to spend digital money safely online. We then designed posters to show our learning.
In other work we have been learning about Numeracy in Graphs and have been talking about the Classroom in French. We’ve started our new writing topic – Information Reports – and will soon be writing a report about our topic – The Solar System. Well done P6.