To raise money for our Lenten Charity we decided we wanted to have an Easter Craft/ movie afternoon. This was a great success today. We made Pom Pom Easter Bunnies, Easter baskets which we filled with little chicks, we painted Easter eggs, made Easter cards, we made Spring pictures with stickers and foam shapes and we made scratch Easter pictures. We had fun being artistic and creative.
All posts by M Gaffney
2 new little P1s
We are so excited to have 2 very small new members to our P1 class. Muffin and Biscuit! We are so lucky to be given the Nursery Guinea Pigs for a few days this week. It is good for us to learn how to take care of a pet and understand what pets need. We all had a hold of them today and we fed and watered them. Tomorrow we will learn how to clean the cage.