Another busy week in Primary 7 with lots of new learning.
We started the week with some problem solving maths challenges where we had to work in teams to solve the problems we were presented with. Some of these included
– Can you change 1 stick to solve the equation?
– Can you fill the cup up with exactly 4 litres of water. You only have a 5 litre cup and a 4 litre cup, how will you do this?
– Can you cut an A4 sheet of paper so it has a hole big enough to fit 2 people through?

We were successful in all our tasks.
We have been using digital frequently in our class for research challenges and presentations. This left us asking “What is a reliable website?”
“How can we trust this information from this website?”.
We then completed a research projected on The Pacific North West Tree Octopus which we were upset to learn was a completely fake website. This made us realise not all information we find on the internet is trustworthy. We will now be more careful with the information we read on the internet.

We have now started our new writing topic of narrative writing and poems. In preparation for this we have been looking at direct speech. We have discussed the direct speech rules and practised our direct speech skills to translate texts from some known characters. Check out our work below.

We celebrated burns day on the 25th January with some Scottish songs, poems, and art tasks. We used our digital skills to see if we had a clan tartan related to our surnames. This gave us inspiration to create our own tartan kilts.

Primary 7 you are working so hard and making great progress. You are all fabulous individuals and I am so proud of you all. I’m delighted to be teaching you. Miss Lindsay