All posts by Miss Lindsay

It’s 2025

Happy new year from primary 7!
we have came back from our winter holidays feeling refreshed and ready to learn. We have settled back into out structure and routine and enjoyed setting out 2025 goals. We discussed how we can be the best versions of ourselves for our last few years of primary school.

We have been working hard on our maths with building out thinking classrooms. Maths can be tricky but we are building connections how maths appears in our everyday life.

We enjoyed reuniting with our buddies and look forward to learning more with them in 2025.

Back to school for Primary 7

What a fantastic first week back in Primary 7 with lots of new learning. We have discussed our school values and what is expected of us as Primary 7 roles models. We have decided respected will be at the forefront of our learning over the coming weeks and are doing hard to show respect to all our class mates, teachers and everyone in the school. We have created our class charter, put our teamwork and sportsmanship skills into action, create our own board games and even managed to finish the week off with a Just Dance to unwind.
Keep up the good work Primary 7, your teacher is proud of you all.

What a couple of weeks it has been in primary 7

Last week was a fantastic week in primary 7 where we got to explore a range of different activities such as American Football,  Football, Judo, smoothie making, and sports day. We all enjoyed this week immensely and are thankful for all the activities we were able to participate in.

This week we have been busy with our topic WW2 project where we are constructing a model of a trench, concentration camp or Anderson Shelter.
As a class we decided to merge our writing topic of procedure writing with our science topic chemical reactions. We gather various liquids (water, milk, vinegar) and we’re testing to see if a chemical reaction took place when submerging a gummy bear in the liquids overnight. Our results found changes in shape, texture, size, colour and overall appearance. Check out our results.

In-between the hard work we managed to squeeze in some fun Just Dance activities.

For the past two days primary 7 have been attending transitions to Highschool where they have been seen munching on the chocolate crispy cakes the made in home economics. Seems they have had a great time.

Another great week in Primary 7. Not long left now. Keep being yourself P7. You are all amazing, special individuals. Your teacher is so proud of you.

A short but busy week in Primary 7

Primary 7 have worked super hard this week after their exciting but tiring week at camp last week. We have been busy working on our world war 2 projects where we are combining out STEM skills of technologies and engineering, and out topic work of world war 2 to create out own trenches, concentrations camps and Anderson shelters. Watch this space to see our creations.

This week we have been learning to find the premier and area of rectangles. We created our own rectangles in a theme of our choice and found the perimeter and area of these shapes.

Looking forward to the week ahead, health week!!!!
not long left primary 7! Keep up the good work

Today At Camp

Another incredible day at camp. Pancakes this morning for breakfast was a real hit and fuelled us for a full day of amazing activities.

The sun came out for our water rafting activity, we were thankful to have a splash in the water after we built our rafts. The other team got competitive at archery and walked the catwalk.
We finished the day off with a campfire where we were chatting about our pit and our peak (our best and worst bits of camp). No one could give a negative but some positives included, “water rafting”, “lunch”, “the catwalk because I thought it would be hard and I could do it”, “the crate building because it helped my fear of heights”.

Now after a VERY competitive game of rounders, we are chilling out with snacks, music and games.

We should say we are looking forward to going home tomorrow but that might be a lie for some.

Another exciting, fun filled, wet, wild, sunny, adventurous day here at Bromley camp.
Sleepy heads started the day at 7:30 this morning but breakfast of cereal, croissants (chocolate ones too) and toast helped set us up for the day. Catwalk for one of the groups and Raft Building were 2 of many highlights of the day amount many.  Again lots of smiles, hard work and success for all. We have some quotes from our happy camper below.

Codi “That’s a 10/10 dinner.”

Willow “Low ropes helped us with teamwork.”

Elise “I had a smashing sleep.”

Maddison “I’m excited to do raft building today.”

Adam “If they keep feeding us like this I could live here forever.”

Shaheen “Nightline is very exciting.”

Luke “That was an amazing breakfast.”

Terry “Activities are fun.”

Daniel “Today is going to be awesome.”

Oliver “We have strong minds you can’t trick us.”

Lewis “ I am the midge repeller.”

Well done to each and every one of our amazing Campers.

Primary 7 Camp

A brilliant day had by all here in Broomlee. We have settled well into our dorms before heading out for our first activities! A delicious lunch was a big hit with lots of our campers before our afternoon activities-Low Ropes, toasting marshmallows and Night walk. Dinner was pasta with cake and custard then we finished the day with a game of snakes and ladders with a twist.

Exciting, fun, tiring, wonderful and thrilling were words given by our primary 7,s to sum up there day.

Now hopefully a long nights sleep.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s adventure!

An update from Primary 7

We are looking forward to our half term break after having another busy week of learning.

This week we have been using our concrete materials and blending our maths and engineering skills to revise our knowledge on place value by building the best castle using our dean’s materials. We then counted our materials to reach the total amount used.

We have finished our WW1 topic this week by completing our own projects on a specific area of WW1 (The Treaty of Versailles, Kaiser Wilhelm II, The Battle of Marne and The Battle of the Somme). We then created a lesson to teach the rest of the class about our topic and planned a short activity to assess the rest of the class of what we had taught them. Our activities included 2 truths and a lie, a Kahoot, an interactive board game and a quiz. We were surprised how much we enjoyed hosting a lesson.

We had the pleasure of working with Primary 2 this week where we learned all about Chinese New Year which takes place on Saturday 10th February. As this year is the year of the dragons we worked together to create our own colourful dragons. We had a great time doing this. Don’t you think they are amazing? We do! We can wait to come back and work with Primary 2 again, thanks for having us Primary 2!

We have had a busy week learning and revising out burns poems in preparation for our burns competition. Well done to the Winner.

Have a great holidays Primary 7. I look forward to seeing everyone when we return. Be safe.

Lots of Learning in Primary 7

Another busy week in Primary 7 with lots of new learning.

We started the week with some problem solving maths challenges where we had to work in teams to solve the problems we were presented with. Some of these included

– Can you change 1 stick to solve the equation?

– Can you fill the cup up with exactly 4 litres of water. You only have a 5 litre cup and a 4 litre cup, how will you do this?

– Can you cut an A4 sheet of paper so it has a hole big enough to fit 2 people through?

We were successful in all our tasks.


We have been using digital frequently in our class for research challenges and presentations. This left us asking “What is a reliable website?”

“How can we trust this information from this website?”.

We then completed a research projected on The Pacific North West Tree Octopus which we were upset to learn was a completely fake website. This made us realise not all information we find on the internet is trustworthy. We will now be more careful with the information we read on the internet.

We have now started our new writing topic of narrative writing and poems. In preparation for this we have been looking at direct speech. We have discussed the direct speech rules and practised our direct speech skills to translate texts from some known characters. Check out our work below.

We celebrated burns day on the 25th January with some Scottish songs, poems, and art tasks. We used our digital skills to see if we had a clan tartan related to our surnames. This gave us inspiration to create our own tartan kilts.


Primary 7 you are working so hard and making great progress. You are all fabulous individuals and I am so proud of you all. I’m delighted to be teaching you. Miss Lindsay