All posts by Mrs Saunders

P2 Update 11.10.24

This week we have enjoyed working with Mr Elliott on our Building the Thinking Classroom Project.  We are learning how to organise ourselves into groups, allocate roles, share our theories and work as a team to solve problems. We are loving it!

We have enjoyed some maths play to further enhance our understanding of the number system.

We celebrated mass today with Father Marcin and received many compliments about our fabulous singing.

Have a wonderful October break.

P2 Update 20.9.24

It has been a short week but a busy one.  We continued to use the whole part model in mats to display our calculations and demonstrated how to complete the whole part model using the number line strategy.

We continued to learn about the kindness of Jesus by listening to the story of the loaves and fish.

Today, we thoroughly enjoyed our free writing session as we described adventures we’d had, places we were going, achievements we had accomplished and fantastic stories we had made up.  Thank you to Lucas who collected some photographs for us.

A big well done to Jax, Lucas, Jude and Joseph this week. Jax earned our Leader in Me award this week for working very hard each day to achieve his targets.  Lucas is our reader of the week after shouting out common words with ease in our daily practise.  Jude earned multiple awards at his Ninja class.  Joseph learned how to ride a bike all by himself and then rode it to school!  There’s no stopping P2!  Have a great weekend.

P2 Update 6.9.24

This week in P2 , we have been upping our maths game by introducing the whole part model.  We explored how one number is made up of two other numbers.

Elsewhere, we celebrated Mother Teresa on her special day, 5th September . We listened to her life story, created our own Mother Teresa portraits and discussed ways in which we could spread the same kindness.

See you next week!

P2 Update 30.8.24

It has been another busy week in P2.

We enjoyed seeing Mrs Keenan again for music and could be heard singing at the top of our voices and marching to the beat from the other end of the corridor!

We continued to explore the health and wellbeing indicators.  We are beginning to recognise their importance to our own health and we can link them to some of our Rights.

We have been exploring some more maths vocabulary and can confidently use the phrases less/fewer than and more than.  We are beginning to access our Sumdog accounts so that we can play games and have competitions to support our learning in maths.

We enjoyed another assembly with Miss Pritchard and reported back on how we can spread kindness.  Congratulations to Kendall who won our first certificate of the school year for impeccable listening and always showing the school values.

We can’t wait to do it all again next week!  Have a great weekend!

P2 Update 23.8.24

It’s been another full week in P2 and the learning is well underway.   We enjoyed our first assembly of the school year today and got the chance to show off some of our dance moves.

We began our new topic, people who help us and had a hunt around our school to find some staff members that are new to us that we may come across on our St Mary’s journey.

We demonstrated some of the writing skills we learned in P1 during our first writing assessment of the year.

Well done P2 for your hard work and enthusiastic start to the term.

Back to School – P2

Welcome back to our wonderful P2s!  What a fabulous first week.  Although, I’m so sorry to say that we were having so much fun, we forgot to take any photographs.  We will endeavour to do better next week.  I do have a couple of PE shots thanks to Mrs McMaster!

We have spent the week getting to know each other and establishing the new rhythms and routines within the classroom.

We have contributed to our class charter where we learned about our rights ands the responsibilities we have within our school.

We discussed our St Mary’s school values (respect and good manners, friendship, perseverance, trust and honesty, safety) and what they will look like in our classroom.

We listened to the Colour Monster, played the colour monster game and created our own colour monster to share how we were feeling.  We know that we can use the monsters to check in and share our feelings with the grow ups in school every morning.

We celebrated our first mass in P2 and the level of respect shown was outstanding.  It was a special mass to mark the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady.

We painted symmetrical butterflies to decorate our classroom door ready for any visitors.

Overall, a wonderful, busy, fun-filled start to an exciting year.

P2 Farewell!

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve said goodbye to our wonderful Mrs Topping with a teddy bears picnic and some party games, we’ve visited the safari park, we’ve written the new eco code for St Mary’s and gained our Eco Schools green flag.

2023/2024 has been an absolute blast in P2 and we have so many wonderful memories to look back on. Have a fantastic summer and we will see you all back here in August.


P2 Update

Last week we enjoyed attending the careers fayre.  We met lots of interesting people and even got to play dress up!  Can you spot Miss Lindsay?

We received news that some of our writing work is going to be published!  Fantastic work!

We said goodbye to the most wonderful person today.  Our hearts are sad but we are so grateful and so blessed for the wonderful year that we have spent together. We marked the day with a teddy bears picnic, a dance and some party games. Farewell Mrs Topping!

Inchcolm Island with P2

What a wonderful day we have had at Inchcolm Island and Abbey today.  We had a wonderful boat trip, although it was a bit chilly.  Some were lucky enough to spot a dolphin!  We loved spending some time as beachcombers and filled our bags with shells and sea glass.   We had a picnic on the beach before exploring a small section of the abbey. We attempted to see the WW2 battery but as it was nesting season for the gulls and they made it clear that they did not want to be disturbed!  Overall, a completely wonderful day and the children were a credit to their families and to the school.