All posts by Miss Stenhouse

Zoo – Primary 4

WOW what a great day Primary 4 have had at the Zoo!

It was very hot and we were careful to keep hydrated and keep safe in the sun.

We enjoyed a session about endangered animals in the zoo education centre followed by time to explore the animals in the zoo. We enjoyed reading the map and all the facts about the animals.

Primary 4

We enjoyed a lovely 🥰 morning at the school “big breakfast”. It was lovely to have so many families join us for breakfast.

We also had a great morning talking about what we look for in a friend and how we can be a good friend to others, we all enjoyed sharing our learning with grown ups that could come along.

in class we have been closely watching our caterpillars 🐛 grow and then patiently wait on them turning into butterflies 🦋 Today we released them. Some of us got to hold them but we were very understanding that they are delicate and we need to let them fly off.

To end the week w had some fun in the sun for our fun 31 time! Have a lovely weekend everyone ☀️

Primary 4

Primary 4 had a great time at sports day on Wednesday. We all showed good sportsmanship and congratulated the winning house team, St Margaret.

We have been all working hard to prepare for the school summer show! We have a variety of participants in our class, dancers, actors and stage production team! Everyone has a job and we have all been working very hard.

Primary 4 have also been busy planting trees in the front playground. We have planted pear and apple trees, we hope that they will grow big and strong.


Gardening Club

What a great week at Gardening club!

We worked in groups to tackle different jobs that we needed to do! First up was weeding in-between the flowers and in the plant beds. Next was planting our fruit trees, two apple trees and two pear trees, they have been planted along the path on the bus exit from the playground. The next group worked on emptying out old planters from around the back of the school and moving them into the garden, once in the garden they were refilled and we planted Rhubarb and Leeks. Our final job was to water all the plants and put away all our equipment.

Everyone worked super hard and we enjoyed a cool glass of juice and a biscuit before heading home!

Heath Week in Primary 4

What an amazing week packed full of activities we have had! We have completed activities on keeping our body and minds healthy. Primary 4 would like to thank the Health committee for their hard work, it has been lots of fun and lots of us have been exhausted.

Kicked off our week with Destination Judo, Bowling up at the bowling club, Handball and then outdoor learning. We finished the day of watching the teacher v’s pupils netball game! It was good to see the adults join in 😀

On Wednesday  we started with making smoothies on the smoothie bike! We picked the fruit and juice we anted in our smoothies, copped them then jumped on the bike to mix it up. We then had a mindfulness session and PE. To finish off we did bead making in class, this was another mindfulness activity as it took a lot of focus. We were all very proud of the Rosary beads that we made.

On Thursday we started learning some music for our Shrek show before we started our activities.  We had PE with Mrs McMaster outside and then we walked up to One Mind Martial Arts, although some of us were apprehensive to start with we all joined it, it was lots of fun. Next up was exercise to music followed by SKM Dance. To finish our day we had a talk with female footballer and referee Nicole. We all found this very interesting and enjoyed getting to hold referee flags and cards as well as look at all her other kit!

Ladt but not least, Friday. We started the morning making fresh fruit kebabs, we chopped and peeled the fruit before sticking it on and enjoying it😋 We then had a fitness session outside followed by learning some first aid. To finish the day we enjoyed Fun 31 because we all have the right to play!

It has been a very busy week, we hope you like some of our action shots!



Primary 4

Today in Primary 4 we spent some time in the garden planting vegetables 🥗.

We have planted potatoes 🥔, onions 🧅, carrots 🥕, broccoli 🥦, lettuce 🥬 and pumpkins 🎃.

We found it very interesting how all the seeds looked different and we were surprised to be growing potatoes from potatoes 🥔 .
This is connected to our topic of planting and farming.

Primary 4

This week in Primary 4 we have been learning all about Vincent Van Gogh. We then created our own flower pictures.

In maths we have moved on to pictographs and bar 📊 graphs.

We had our first Shrek rehearsal this week, in class we will be working on helping to create set backdrops.

Primary 4

It has been a busy couple of weeks in Primary 4!

This week we have enjoyed the lent activities, the Easter fun fair was a big hit .


We also enjoyed the school career fair on Wednesday, chatting with all the different professionals, we were all very inspired.


Last week enjoyed a fun St Patrick’s day ☘️ we made Shamrock Shakes and had lots of fun.

In maths we have moved from measure to money and we have managed to tie in both areas in our class lent fundraiser which is guess the weight of the Easter basket. The winner will be announced next week ☘️

We have also been taking part in a technology project where we have worked together to build bridges from recycled materials. We have all enjoyed this challenge lots!

Lots of us are looking forward to bunny bingo tonight, good luck 🤞 to everyone going.