All posts by Miss Stenhouse

Primary 1

This week in Primary 1 we have been looking at different ways to make numbers and talking about why numbers are important, not just in school!

We used tally marks, numicon, ten frames and much more to make our numbers and turn them into posters for our wall.

We ar doing very well in our sounds and it is lovely to here that so many of you are practicing at home.

In music we are working on keeping a beat. To help us with this we used rhythm sticks and boomwackers. We all found this lots of fun.

During play we have been exploring how to use the blocks to build different structures.

Have a lovely weekend.


Primary 1

Another fantastic week in Primary 1!

We have all settled into school very well and we are all keen to learn more and play more! We have a lovey friendly classroom, full of helpers.

We have been focusing on article 2, non discrimination for the UNCRC children’s right of the fortnight. We have shown that we have a good understanding that we all have rights.

In PE we enjoyed a great session with some of the P7 buddies, learning lots of new skills, physical skills as well as listening, following instructions and team work.


At outdoor learning we went on a bear 🐻 hunt, we found all the missing teddy bears 🧸

We have been working hard learning a new sound every day and trying to practice using them as much as we can during the school day. We have also been practicing our numbers which we are trying very hard at.

Another super learning week in Primary 1.

Starting Strong in Primary 1

What a fantastic first two weeks in Primary 1. We have all made good friends and have been learning the routines in school. At lunchtime we have done very well sitting independently with our friends and eating our lunch.

Today for the first time we joined in the whole school assembly where we showed great listening skills.

We have enjoyed PE, getting used to going up to the gym hall and following adults instructions as well as being safe.

We have also enjoyed our outdoor learning session, we all enjoyed getting outside and exploring the spaces we have in school.

In class we have been working on sounds and numbers to 5. We have all worked very hard at this.

Primary 1 have also created their class charter, we spoke about our rights and our school values and all agreed we will try our best.

As well as this we have been talking about how we can be a leader, we are following the 7 habits of being effective. We have created our own Leader in me tree in class and had a focus on Habit 1, Be Proactive. We created traffic lights to remind us to Sto and Think and Make Good Choices.







Have a lovely weekend.

End of term Primary 1 & Primary 7

Today we had a end of term garden party with our buddies 🥰

We enjoyed cooking hotdogs and s’mores over the fire pit. Over the past year we have all enjoyed spending time together, we have had lots of learning and lots of fun together.

Today was our final fun time together and we had a ball. The sun ☀️ was shining, we had music 🎶 and dancing 💃 🕺 as well as cooking our food.
Primary 1 would like to thank Primary 7 for being fabulous buddies throughout our first year at school and we wish them lots of success at high school, we will miss you all!

Primary 1S

This week in Primary 1S we have been very busy 😀

At the start of the week we made bird 🐦 feeders. We mixed lard with seeds and dried out mealworms. We had lots of fun mixing these up and are looking forward to watching the birds enjoy them.

We also enjoyed some buddy time, we played online story sequence games. We had to carefully think about the storyline and the characters. The story we were sequencing was Jack and the Beanstalk. We all did very well, and we are all a bit competitive 😉

Our maths focus has been Time. We have been learning what the big and small hands mean on the clock ⏰ O’Clock and Half Past ⏰ . We have played games, we have made our own clocks and used the learning clocks in class.

On Thursday we went up the woods with our Primary 7 buddies. We worked together to create Fairy 🧚 houses in the woods. We had to think about what a Fairy 🧚 would want in a house and balance lots of things.

We have had a lovely week in school.