All posts by Mrs Moffat

P1 M Superstars have earned their doughnuts !

What  another great week in P1 M.   Lots of learning and fun have taken place.   Everyone has been working extra hard to learn new sounds and slide them  together to make words !  Soon we will bring home sounds to show our families how much we have learned.  I’m sure you will be amazed at our Superstars !


With maths we have been counting forwards and backwards to 5, 10 and 20.   We are beginning to recognise lots of new numbers.   We  have been doing lots of counting , cutting , matching and sorting numbers and pictures in groups.



This week we had lots of fun learning how to log on to the i pad.            It was quite tricky trying to read and find the letters and numbers  in the codes that we needed  but we were very proud of ourselves that we had managed and didn’t need to ask Mrs Moffat for help.   She was super proud and happy too !


We showed lots of creativity this week and had fun with building and crafting.


Sensory activities helped us explore and crawl, jump , balance and wonder !


We also enjoyed watching and dancing to the music in  ‘Trolls ‘ and we especially enjoyed our doughnut treats !  Enjoy your September weekend P1 M Superstars !





Another Fantastic Week In Primary 1 M !

Our amazing superstars in P1 M have had another fantastic week in P1 M.   Everyone has settled in well .

At Outdoor Learning we went on a hunt for living and non living things.

We visited the Trim Trail and had great fun balancing , and climbing .

We learned 4 new sounds this week !

We counted forwards and backwards to 10 and even tried to 20 !

We have also started brushing our teeth after lunch to keep them extra healthy !




Primary 1 M What a busy week !

What a lot of new things we learned this week.

One of our new sounds was i , for insect .  At Outdoor Learning time we searched for insects !

We explored our school grounds and had a good look around the Trim Trail, Outdoor Classroom , The Shed, and The Garden.

We played games , rolled down the grass and had races. We had great fun.


We learned lots of new skills at PE

We read, ordered and wrote numbers up to 20.


What a busy week !

Primary 1 M

Our P1 M Superstars have had a fantastic start to their new adventures .   Everyone is settling in well and learning lots of new and exciting things.

This week we learned all about numbers to 10 – what they look like and we tried writing some of them !

We tried writing our names too.   We did really well.

We learned lots of new sounds  like m for mountain, a for apple, s for snake and d for dinosaur.


We made play dough dinosaurs ! And we scooted about on bikes and scooters.

Our P7 buddies helped came down to our class and read stories to  us .   We really enjoyed that .

We have had a great start to our P1 adventure !

Well done to all of our amazing P1 M Superstars !