P2 Update 20.9.24

It has been a short week but a busy one.  We continued to use the whole part model in mats to display our calculations and demonstrated how to complete the whole part model using the number line strategy.

We continued to learn about the kindness of Jesus by listening to the story of the loaves and fish.

Today, we thoroughly enjoyed our free writing session as we described adventures we’d had, places we were going, achievements we had accomplished and fantastic stories we had made up.  Thank you to Lucas who collected some photographs for us.

A big well done to Jax, Lucas, Jude and Joseph this week. Jax earned our Leader in Me award this week for working very hard each day to achieve his targets.  Lucas is our reader of the week after shouting out common words with ease in our daily practise.  Jude earned multiple awards at his Ninja class.  Joseph learned how to ride a bike all by himself and then rode it to school!  There’s no stopping P2!  Have a great weekend.

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