Primary 1

Another fantastic week in Primary 1!

We have all settled into school very well and we are all keen to learn more and play more! We have a lovey friendly classroom, full of helpers.

We have been focusing on article 2, non discrimination for the UNCRC children’s right of the fortnight. We have shown that we have a good understanding that we all have rights.

In PE we enjoyed a great session with some of the P7 buddies, learning lots of new skills, physical skills as well as listening, following instructions and team work.


At outdoor learning we went on a bear 🐻 hunt, we found all the missing teddy bears 🧸

We have been working hard learning a new sound every day and trying to practice using them as much as we can during the school day. We have also been practicing our numbers which we are trying very hard at.

Another super learning week in Primary 1.

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