Primary 5 are smashing it!

Welcome back Primary 5 and what a first two weeks we are having! We are showing super listening skills and are embodying the school values. We are creating our class charter and have also been discussing why learning and taking pride in our work is so important.

For our class story this term we will focus on the works of Roald Dahl – we have already read The Magic Finger and are now reading Fantastic Mr Fox. InĀ  our smaller reading groups we are learning to summarise, predict, clarify and question.

In numeracy we are focussing on the four operations with a focus on multiplication. This week we have learned how to make arrays and use multiplication grids.

We are also having lots of fun – we start the day with fun challenges, and are enjoying creative play. We have set up a Scotmid Shop in our creative corner and are setting up a football theme in our doll’s house. We are also looking forward to Football Mondays.

Primary 5 I’m so excited about the year ahead – I know you are going to smash it so go Team Primary 5!


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