Primary 1S

This week in Primary 1S we have been very busy 😀

At the start of the week we made bird 🐦 feeders. We mixed lard with seeds and dried out mealworms. We had lots of fun mixing these up and are looking forward to watching the birds enjoy them.

We also enjoyed some buddy time, we played online story sequence games. We had to carefully think about the storyline and the characters. The story we were sequencing was Jack and the Beanstalk. We all did very well, and we are all a bit competitive 😉

Our maths focus has been Time. We have been learning what the big and small hands mean on the clock ⏰ O’Clock and Half Past ⏰ . We have played games, we have made our own clocks and used the learning clocks in class.

On Thursday we went up the woods with our Primary 7 buddies. We worked together to create Fairy 🧚 houses in the woods. We had to think about what a Fairy 🧚 would want in a house and balance lots of things.

We have had a lovely week in school.

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