What a couple of weeks it has been in primary 7

Last week was a fantastic week in primary 7 where we got to explore a range of different activities such as American Football,  Football, Judo, smoothie making, and sports day. We all enjoyed this week immensely and are thankful for all the activities we were able to participate in.

This week we have been busy with our topic WW2 project where we are constructing a model of a trench, concentration camp or Anderson Shelter.
As a class we decided to merge our writing topic of procedure writing with our science topic chemical reactions. We gather various liquids (water, milk, vinegar) and we’re testing to see if a chemical reaction took place when submerging a gummy bear in the liquids overnight. Our results found changes in shape, texture, size, colour and overall appearance. Check out our results.

In-between the hard work we managed to squeeze in some fun Just Dance activities.

For the past two days primary 7 have been attending transitions to Highschool where they have been seen munching on the chocolate crispy cakes the made in home economics. Seems they have had a great time.

Another great week in Primary 7. Not long left now. Keep being yourself P7. You are all amazing, special individuals. Your teacher is so proud of you.

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