Let’s talk money… and more in Primary 7

This week we’re supporting Talk Money Week, which aims to break the stigma of talking about money and get us all sharing more about this important topic, whether that’s with friends, family or anyone else! In Maths we were tasked with planning a festive party. We all had different budgets and different guest lists to consider. We had to use Aldi and Argos’s websites to buy supplies. We had to consider budget, venue, guest list, food, decoration and entertainment. We then applied our talking and listening skills as we presented our Canva presentations of our budget friendly parties to the class and discussed if we think having a large budget was the most important factor in having a good time. Ask us our thoughts on this.


This week we invited our Primary 1 buddies to our classroom to help them log on to devices and play some online maths games with them. We love having extra responsibility with our buddies and enjoy teaching them new things. We hope they can come back soon.


Keep up the great work Primary 7 and we will have another fantastic week next week!
Miss Lindsay

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